·˚𝙭𝙫. ༘༄ ꒰𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴꒱ؘ*ੈ✩

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You three had found a vehicle nearby and Layla had hot-wired it. Layla took up the duty to drive the car while you sat in the back with Marc.

Marc had one of his hands resting on your thigh, seated beside you with his other arm draped over his eyes and was leaned back against the seat.

"Gotta grab a few supplies," Layla turned in her seat to face you both, "Either of you care to join?"

"Yeah," you nodded, tapping Marc's knee to get his attention and telling him that you'll be back shortly.

── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚. ───

You and Layla were walking down a street, heading back to the car after getting the needed things from a flat nearby, where Layla apparently had stored them. The supplies and devices were needed to find the coordinates of Ammit's tomb and decode the pieces of linen from Senfu's sarcophagus.

"Want one?" Layla held out a packet of marshmallows at you.

"Yep," you shuffled to hold the bag you were cradling in one hand and reached into the packet, popping the treat into your mouth.

"Harrow's men," Layla caught sight of a couple of familiar men she had seen back in London.

You and Layla hurried to the side in a dark narrow alleyway, hiding away from their range of sight.

You and Layla were pressed chest to chest, given how slender the alleyway was. The curly-haired woman moved closer to you out of instinct when footsteps passed by the alleyway you two were hiding in, indicating that the Harrow's men hadn't noticed either of you.

Once their footsteps had faded, Layla straightened u

Caressing your cheek, Layla leaned forward and ghosted her lips over yours, looking back up into your eyes; hesitant and nervous about what she was about to do.

Your eyebrows shot upwards and your eyes closed, feeling her lips on yours. Your lips moved in silent tandem; the sweetness of marshmallows bleeding into each other's mouth as your tongues brushed against each other.

Pulling back, Layla let out a breathy chuckle against your lips and you had a dopey smile on your face.

Both of you leaned back in and crashed your lips into a more passionate kiss. One of Layla's hands travelled down to your hip to pull you closer to her while you leaned into her, given your arms were preoccupied with the bag.

Layla retreated back after giving you one last peck, breathing heavily, "We should get moving,"


─── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

You and Layla returned to the car and began loading the supplies into the trunk.

Marc standing next to the curly-haired woman, raised an eyebrow at Layla, "You kissed her,"

"Did not," Layla refused quickly.

"Wasn't a question,"

Layla shut the trunk of the car close, turning to him, "How're you so sure?"

"'Cause, you have the same drunk smile from when I kissed her,"

"And what're you gonna do about it?" she crossed her arms over her chest.


Unexpectedly, Marc leaned in and caught her lips in a soft kiss, causing her to lean back slightly from the effect, "Now we're all even,"  he spoke lowly when he pulled back.

Layla swallowed, the gears in her head twisting and turning in confusion, "So, what—Does this mean that we three are—"

"I'm fine if Y/N is,"

"You guys know that I can hear you right?" you peeped out of the car, sitting on the driver's seat, "The window's open,"

Layla and Marc walked away from the back of the car towards you, the latter wincing sheepishly.

"And?" Marc asked.

"I'm fine with it," you nodded approvingly.

"You sure?" Layla fiddled with her fingers, "About—being with both of us?"

"I'm good, yeah," you gave her a comforting smile.

The woman beamed at you, leaning in to place a smooch on your smile line, "'Kay,"

─── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 {𝕞•𝕜﹠ 𝕝•𝕗} ➣ ❘ [𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗]Where stories live. Discover now