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"You ready?" Lauren asked adjusting the tape on her hands and I nodded.

Lauren and I were outside on the throw mats, training as the girls watched from the sidelines.

"Bring it on, planet green eyes". I joked making her scoff.

The both of us got into our stances before she nodded her head to signal for me to attack.

I lunged forward with my right fist and she easily moved out the way and grabbed my wrist, trying to yank me forward and land on my back but I caught myself on my feet and reversing it, sending her in the position she tried to set me in.

She grunted out as her back hit the mat and I smirked down at her making her growl and bring her legs up to wrap around my neck and flip my forward as my back hit the mat and she had me in a choke hold with her thighs.

She let go and the both of us stood up and circled each other.

"You got this!" Camila cheered as she sat playing with Dinah's hair.

Lauren charged at me but I bent backwards into a backboard spring before bringing my leg up and kicking her in the jaw.

She stumbled slightly before looking at me as I stood up with an impressed smirk.

The both of us ran towards each other and she grabbed at my arms and pushed my backwards a few feet with her still holding onto me and I hit the back of a tree with a grunt.

I took advantage of her before shocking her slightly with my powers and she yelped in surprise, letting me go.

I laughed at her shocked facial expression and she gave me an irritated look.

"That's cheating!" She pouted.

"Not were I come from". I shrugged.

She smiled at me before socking me in the jaw and I grunted as I stumbled backwards and she took this opportunity to put me in an arm bar and I yelped in pain as she pulled my arm backwards and walked me back towards the others.

"Aw, come on! Lauren that's cheating". Dinah protested.

"She zapped me!" Lauren defended making Camila laugh.

I decided to cheat again by using my pulse sense and as my hand made contact with her chest it sent her flying a few feet in the air before landing on one of the mats with a grunt.

I sped over to her before straddling her and placing my hands around her neck softly and she glared up at me.

"I win!" I smiled making her push me off of her.

"You cheated!" She pointed out again.

"Oh, like that's gonna matter to an enemy". I scoffed and she smiled.

"You did good". She commented.

"Thanks!" I smiled back.

"Okay, can we actually do something fun now?" Camila pouted.

"Wanna go swimming in the lake?" Mani asked and our faces lit up.

"Last one to the waterfall is a rotten egg!" Camila yelled running towards the lake with Ally right behind her.

Dinah came up behind me and threw me over her shoulder making me laugh.

Lauren jumped on Mani's back before following after the two girls.

"That ass, though!" I commented running my hand over Dinah's backside and squeezing making her laugh.

Her hand came down on my ass making me yelp in surprise before she started walking towards the waterfall.

Vampire Diaries// Dinah Jane Where stories live. Discover now