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Pit's POV

Pittoo left without another word, leaving me in my confused state. I left his room, and went to the halls of the temple. I sighed, I can't believe that I'm working at the place that I.. I died in. I lied to Pittoo, and it hurts me bad. I just didn't want him to find out that I was, we were one of them. I'll never forget his face.. Ever. I may fight for humans, but.. He's not human.. Now.


The other four spirits blocked the door, so he couldn't escape. I was in the middle of the room, face-to-face with the man. I chased him around the room, almost grabbing him but he was to fast. He went for the golden, withered Bonnie suit. 'What is he doing?! Doesn't he know he'll die?! That thing is covered in spring traps!' I thought, but chased towards him anyway. He put on the bunny suit quickly and turned it on, I gasped as blood shot out of the thing, as well as a few limbs. It was spazzing out as more blood formed to the ground. It stopped it shaking and stood up, "he-llo. I am spring tra-ap." it said in a robotic voice. We could only stare at it.. And speeded back to our animatronics, while I resided in golden Freddy.

•-flashback ends-•

I sighed, and heard Lady Palutena call me and I rushed towards her. "Pit! I need you!" She shouted repeatedly, and I ran to where she resided. She stood in the center of the garden, flowers placed by the fountain as she stood in front of it. "What is it, Lady Palutena?" I asked, my head tilting to the side. "Well, I know what you've been thinking about.." She sighed, and a white glow surrounded us. "Spring trap..." Is all she said, and I gasped. "D-did you find him?!" I exclaimed. We've been hunting down Spring Trap for the last few months, and four two things: to protect the people, and for revenge. "Yes. Where you and Pittoo are working, he's in the storage room. Bring your weapons tomorrow, it's not going to be that easy to bring him down." She informed, and I nodded.

Dark Pit's POV

I sat on the training grounds, watching the centurions train. "Not like it'll make you guys any better.." I mumbled. I heard Pit's voice, and let out an aggravated sigh. I really didn't want anything to do with him.. Even if it was a dream or not. "Hey, Pittoo! We have to go in a minute!" He exclaimed, and I noticed that it was in fact night. I sighed and stood up, walking off but Pit grabbed my shoulder. "And also, get your silver bow." He informed, and I nodded as I continued.

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