Imagine: 7 (spicy ;) )

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Imagine: Henry's possessive over you.
Warnings: SC, Possible TW.

Your POV:
"Hey, (y/n)."
One of the younger mentors smiled at you, sitting across the table.
"Hi, Thomas."
You beamed back at him.
He opened a book, turning a page and then gazing up at you, a smirk on his face.
"How's practice going?"
You looked down and back towards him.
"It's going great, thank you. I'm still learning how to move heavier objects."

You felt an extra pair of eyes on you but you didn't have to look to know whose they were.
A few moments of silence passed and Thomas looked at you again.
"You look beautiful today."
You let out an appreciating laugh.
"Thanks so much."
You blushed.
"That's enough."
Henry pulled up a chair in a swift motion, causing a loud scraping sound and plopped himself into it.
A death glare was given.
"Thomas, aren't you supposed to be in the Lab?"
He asked coldly, snatching the book from him and closing it at once.
Thomas had a blank expression, but didn't say a word.
You watched in shock of what had happened.
Thomas took back his book from Henry's grip and carried it away, immediately walking out the door.
You looked over at Henry.
"What the hell was that?!"
You halfway yelled , turning towards him.
Any sign of emotion left his face.
"Why were you talking to him?"
Henry tilted his head.
You let out a breath.
You couldn't fathom what he was saying.
"Are you serious right now? Thomas is my friend, Henry."
You furrowed your brows with a frown.
He stood up, taking your arm roughly in his.
You stood up to meet him.
You asked .
"Come on."
"I don't have to abide you."
You took your arm out of his.
He stared angrily.
"Don't be like that, darling."
His face immediately softened.
You didn't change your body language or the tone in your voice.
"You don't get to tell me who I can and cannot talk to."

"Talking is overrated anyways."
He took your arm in his once more.

Henry led you down the hallways, finally making it to his room, and pushing you inside.

You stood there, watching him close the door.
"I am not your pet."
You spat.
You were then pinned against a wall.
He stood tall above you, one hand extended above your head.
You couldn't move.
He leaned in closer to you, almost touching your lips.
"You are whatever I want you to be."
Whispering, Henry looked you up and down..
You waited for his lips to touch yours but they never did.
He pulled away slowly, smirking at you.
"Your mixed signals are starting to-."
You released a breath, pausing.
He tilted his head at you, moving closer to you once again.
"Starting to what?... Did you want something, love?"
Henry placed his hand around the back of your neck, turning your face up towards his.
You gazed up at him with big eyes.
"I'll be nice."
His voice was slow.
And he spoke as if he were doing you a favor.
He pressed his lips to yours.
A feeling of relief washed over you as you kissed him back.
It didn't last as he pulled away, leaving you longing for more.
You let out a breath.
You begged.
He looked up and down your body before smirking.
"Later, Dear. I have matters to tend to."
He placed a kiss on your forehead.
Henry's eyes darted towards the exit as he cupped your cheek, turning away from you and then leaving.
He smelled so sweet, that it was intoxicating.
Henry was like a drug to you...
And not in a good way.
You were dangerously drawn to him and there was nothing you could do.

You sat for a moment, staring at the exit of his room.
"Henry, wait-"
You reached out, stopping the door from closing completely.
He was still standing there. Waiting for you.
His eyes gazed you hungrily up and down.
"There you are, Princess."
He paused for a moment, his eyes became seductive.
"I want to show you something."
Slowly speaking, he looked behind him and down at you.
Before you could respond, you were thrown into the wall without even being touched.
The door closed the same way, following Henry's eye movements.
He looked back towards you, walking in your direction and putting his body close to yours once again.
With a hand caressing your jaw, he looked you in the eyes.
"You're going to listen to me, understood?"
Your heart quickened, but you felt no fear.
You nodded compliantly, releasing a breath.
His hand moved down to your neck, squeezing it lightly.
You breathed.
He stopped immediately, looking to your eyes for an explanation.
"They'll hear."
You admitted, furrowing your brows.
You glanced in the direction of the hallway but Henry just smirked.
"You need to be more blithe, little one.
Let them."
He whispered close to your ear, putting his hand around your throat.
He squeezed lightly, kissing your neck.
You begin to breathe slowly.
From your neck, he met your collarbone and planted kisses down to your breasts.
His hands moved along your body.
Along your waist, and down your legs.
Your pants were unbuttoned in the midst of making out with him and now were lying on the floor.
"Makes this a bit easier, doesn't it, Dear?"
Henry pulled away for a second before you were lifted off the ground and into the air.
Your legs wrapped around his torso, as he carried you to the bed; throwing you onto it.
You let out a gasp and looked towards him.
Henry grinned.
He unbuttoned his shirt one by one, and then tossed it to the side.
"You are mine, do you understand that?"
He leaned over you and you immediately nodded.
Grabbing each of your legs, he put himself in between them, pulling you towards his hips with no warning.
You breathed in deeply as he entered, so did he.
He began thrusting himself into you.
You were doing your best to keep quiet.
"Remember what I said? Let them hear."
Henry breathlessly said in a deep voice.
He kissed you roughly.
You melted into it and into him.
He quickened his pace as your inhales became heavier and heavier, occasionally, letting out groans.
In between kisses, he spoke to you.
"I want everyone to know that you're mine."
Butterflies filled your stomach as he moved to your neck.
You gripped onto his shoulders, putting your hands through his hair.
You moaned, taking in a deep breath.
"I know, I know."
Henry then took both of your wrists in his grip and pinned them above your head.
A knock sounded at the door.
Instead of stopping, he continued to push himself in and out of you.
The feeling inside of you began to build.
He put his hand over your mouth this time.
"Quiet now, love."
He whispered huskily.
Henry thrusted deeper and deeper inside of you.
You mumbled against his hand, which he cupped tighter around your mouth.
Another knock and another.
"Henry, we need you in the lab."
The voice was hard to identify.
Henry let out a deep sigh, thrusting harder into you.
"I'm going to remove my hand, not a word."
He whispered, taking his hand away from your mouth.
He pulled out of you, making you gasp.
"I'm on my way."
He convincingly spoke to the unknown person, picking up his now wrinkled button-up off the floor.
You laid there, covering yourself up with the duvet.
"Do not move. I'm not done with you. I'll be back in a few minutes."
He pointed towards you.
You smiled.
With that, he was out the door.

I'm bad at the "spicy" ones. But you guys liked the last one. thank you for the support!! Much love to you all.<3

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