Chapter 49 - The Dark Shadow

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- What do you mean you know where they are? - Agent Kim looked at Can surprised.

- Play the video again. - Can leaned in and pointed to Sanem's hand. - Here? You see that? She's pointing to the teddy bear.

- Does that matter?

- It's a polar bear. I showed her my photographs of polar bears once. They were taken in Canada.

- So you're saying they are in Canada? - Agent Norton look at his partner and then back to Can again. His gut was telling him that there was something to this theory but he needed more.

- That is my guess, yes. - Can looked at him and nodded.

- But where exactly? - Agent Kim opened the map on the laptop. - How far could he have gone on a Cessna in this time?

- Not far. - Agent Norton was already dialing his boss's number. - We need to contact Canadian officials.

- There's more. - Can interrupted their conversation and the agents immediately turned their attention to him. - Mark and Yun don't have a son. They have a daughter Maya. Look for Thompson on the map.

Agent Kim did just that.

- We're in luck. There's only one town named Thompson in Canada. It's in the province of Manitoba. Looks like it's within Cassna's range. And look. - She pointed to one of the many lakes in the area. - We even have Lake Mystery. Missis Divit mentioned a trip to the lake and said it was a mystery, right?

- Boss, agent Norton speaking. - The lead investigator was already on the phone. - We have a lead, but we'll need Canadian cooperation. The fucker took the woman to Manitoba.

Can stood up and sighed. Sanem managed to tell him her whereabouts. Now it was up to him to learn where exactly Yiğit took her. And then make him regret it forever.

Deren left the hairdresser's with a shorter cut and lighter hair dye. She felt fresh and invigorated. Last night's dinner with Bulut has inevitably turned into early breakfast with night activities that left her famished. She blushed as she thought about all the things they were doing, but didn't regret even one of them. She walked quickly, to escape the biting cold wind coming in from over the bay. The beginning of this new year was so far very cold, but it was the good kind of cold, not one that would settle in your bones and make you shiver under fifteen blankets and after three Irish coffees.

Car stopped next to her and the driver honked. Deren nearly jumped, startled by the sudden sound.

- Deren, how are you? - An elegant woman waved her over. Her dark hair was gathered in a bun at the nape of her neck and she was wearing elegant tan leather coat. - Where are you off to?

- Havva hanım, hello. - Deren smiled at Bulut's mother. - I'm on my way home.

- Hop in. I'll give you a ride.

- Thank you.

Deren buckled her seatbelt and looked around. Bulut's mother definitely liked luxury. She was driving a jet black BMW with leather upholstery. Ale if she wasn't wrong, with warmed up seats.

- This is a beautiful car. - Deren sad, admiring the dashboard. It wasn't a cheap plastic.

- Thank you. Cars are my weakness. - Havva hanım smiled. - I know nothing about how they work, but I love the way they make me feel and I think that's quite enough.

- Years ago we had a car campaign to prepare. I remember sitting many nights, trying to figure out the technical aspects of the engine. In the end the client said that the ad was aimed at women, so we're supposed to skip the technical information and focus on the huge choice of colors and how pretty they looked in the pictures on Instagram. I had never felt so disrespected and humiliated before. I swear, I was ready to kick someone in the unmentionables.

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