Chapter 4 - The Cookie

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Can was sitting by the pool, drinking his morning tea and reading Sanem's book again. He didn't lie when he told her he was reading each page a thousand times – her mind amazed him since that day in his office, when he dressed her scraped knee and she told him logic goes beyond reason. Since that moment he's been trying to crack the code that was Sanem, but whenever he thought he was close, she surprised him again. Like that day she gave him back his boat – their boat. He thought she wanted him to make a grand gesture to show her he'll stay and instead she put his whole idea on its head. He didn't have to choose between her and freedom, because she was his freedom.

– Well, well. Who do we have here? – Familiar voice came from behind him. Can turned around with a smile on his face and immediately stood up.

– Metin. How are you? – He locked his friend in a tight embrace.

– Good, good. Are you busy? What are you reading? – Meting leaned and picked up the book Can put on the table. – Aah, yes. "The Phoenix and the Albatross". Amazing story, beautifully written.

– You've read it.

– Of course. And I got to say, I had no idea my sceptical brother was such a romantic softie. – Metin tried to suppress a smile, seeing Can getting uncomfortable. – Tell me, do you still have that origami butterfly?

Sus! Give it here – Can grabbed the book and put it down. – Tea?

– Please. Although I actually came to speak to Sanem. – Metin put his briefcase next to his chair and took off his white jacket before sitting down. It was still early, but the temperature was already pretty high and he was getting warm. – One of my clients found out I know her and came to me with an offer.

– We'll drink and I'll take you to her. She should be up already.

Sanem was in a rather bad mood. She woke up feeling guilty but at the same time she knew she was right. After all, nothing she said was a lie.

– Sanemcim, good morning. – Mihriban came in with a smile on her face and cookies she baked the night before. – I made those when Can went to get you, but I figured you weren't really in the cookie mood last night.

– Morning. You want some tea? – Sanem took out the glasses from the cabinet and poured amber drink into both. She and Can were supposed to have breakfast with her parents, but that's obviously not going to happen. Once again she looked at the ring on her finger and smiled. It didn't really go with her denim shorts and crop top, but never mind. She'll never take it off – not this one.

– Please. – Mihriban put the cookies on the round table and sat down. She watched Sanem for a moment, but didn't notice anything wrong. Aside from the puffy eyes, that is. – You have been crying.

Sanem sat next to Mihriban and took a sip of tea. Denying would be pointless. Besides, Mihriban could be able to advise her something.

– I argued with my parents last night. – She said and paused. Mihriban was waiting. – When I got home it was late and my mother said I was grounded. And I... I don't know. It felt like I wasn't myself. I told her I'm 27 and engaged, that they've been expecting me and Can to do everything by the book and still made it difficult for us, while Emre and Leyla... – She stopped and shook her head.

– While your sister and brother-in-law were forgiven practically right away? – Mihriban squeezed her hand. – I was wondering when this would finally come to the surface. You have buried it so deep, I bet you didn't even discuss it during your therapy.

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