Outted (no ship)

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Ship: No ship unless you include platonic Poop (the player)x mpm angst
Type: Angst
TW:   A character gets beaten up around the end of the story, Mentions of homophobia and Idk if I need to put a TW for this but a character, more specifically, Poop, getting outted (just a heads up, there isn't a happy ending for this story, so if sad endings aren't your jam, I recommend skipping this oneshot)
It all started one day at the kindergarten MPM went to as a little kid. He was playing with the trains during choice time. Then, a boy who he never saw before walked in the room. He stood up next to the teacher "Class, this is Poop. He's new here, please be nice to him, ok?" The teacher said. Everyone laughed...except for the little boy playing with the trains minding his own business. Poop looked down. He ran away. Poop spent the first 2 minutes of his choice time in the corner of the room. The boy(MPM) ran up to Poop. "Are you ok?" He asked. "No!" Poop shouted. "This happens Everytime I go to a new school! People laugh at me for my name, I hate my name so much! I'm so mad at my parents for giving me this pathetic excuse of a name!" Poop screamed. "Well they're meanies." The young pizza loving boy replied. "True." Poop replied. "Just don't listen to them ok?" MPM reassured the young boy. "Ok." Poop replied. "Now that you know my name, what's yours?" Poop asked. "I'm Andrew (my hc)." "Do you wanna be friends?" Andrew/MPM asked. "Sure!" Poop replied. "Let's play with the trains!" Andrew/MPM suggested. "Ok." Poop replied. They ran back to the trains.
Years later
Ever since that day, the two were inseparable. They would visit each other's houses all the time, they would play video games together, they would spend their choice times together, most of the time they played with the trains. They even had inside jokes. Until one day, everything changed.
Poop spawned in the lobby. He was nervous. At that point, he understood very well that he was gay. He was going to tell MPM, but he was so nervous. MPM was talking with Snowball & Jeff. Poop walked up to his friend. He tapped MPM on the shoulder. "Yeah?" MPM asked turning around. "I need to talk to you...uhh...in private." Poop replied. "Ok man, BRB boys." MPM said. They walked away. "Well, MPM, the truth is... I've been thinking about something important about who I am lately, something I've been pushing away for the longest time, I was always taught it was something to be ashamed of and that it was a bad thing... but I eventually learned, those people are wrong you can't deny DNA... so now I accepted myself for who I truly am and have the courage to tell you..." Poop began. "Not following."
MPM said. "I'M GAY!" Poop blurted out. "Sweet." MPM replied. "What?" Poop asked. "Idc if ur gay, bi, or whatever. You're my best friend,Poop. Don't listen to the people who think your feelings are wrong, I think it's a good thing." MPM said. "Ok but please don't tell anybody, I'm not too open about it." Poop said. "Ok man, I won't." MPM replied. "Thank you for understanding." Poop said. "Anytime man." MPM said. "And also, you can keep a secret, right?" Poop asked. "Uhhh...yeah?" MPM replied. "I have a secret crush on Snowball." Poop confessed. "What?" MPM replied. "I know, I know." Poop said. "Then why did you set him up with Sandy?" MPM said. "Because I knew he probably doesn't and is never gonna like me back, as long as he's happy, I'm happy." Poop explained. "Please don't tell anyone that either! Sandy will hate me! She's my *other* best friend! I don't want to loose her." Poop begged. "Mk." MPM said. The game started. Poop and MPM both got crewmate. "Hey MPM, since you and Poop were talking, wanna hang out now?" Jeff offered. "Sure." MPM replied. They trio walked away. "Hey snowball! Wannna-" Sandy was about to offer but she realized he was being a 'doofus' as she calls it with his friends.  She looked at her best friend who was doing tasks. "Poop!" Sandy hollered. "Yeah?" Poop responded. "Wanna do tasks with me?"
Sandy asked. "Sure!" Poop exclaimed. "Let's go!" Sandy shouted.
Meanwhile with the boys, they were in the kitchen taking  turns making burgers. MPM was holding his breath trying so hard to keep his bestie's secret. Jeff turned around looking at him. "You good man?" Jeff asked. "Yeah." MPM murmured exhaling. "Ok?" Jeff replied. Then, a body got reported. "Already?" Your mom(pink the player) asked. "I know, right?" Snowball replied. "Where?!" Avi yelled. "In the Brig, Pigeon was dead." Ninja announced. "Where was everybody?" Jeff asked. "I was with the boys." MPM said.
"I was with Sandy on the viewing deck." Poop said. The words "Sandy" and "don't tell anyone" echoed in The green crewmate's head. His mind was boggling like crazy. He didn't know if he could keep the secret any longer. "I know what to do! I'll just keep quiet and not say a word so I don't out him by mistake." MPM planned in his head. Mr.pepperoni man held his breath. Snowball looked over. "What are you doing?..." The white crewmate asked him. "Uhhhh, I'm having a competition with myself to see how long I can hold my breath!" He lied. "Ok...?" Snowball replied not buying it for one second. "So it's a skip then?" Banana asked. "I guess so." Snowball replied. "Skip it is then." Mr.pepperoni man said...or at least that's what's he wanted to say. What ended up
Coming out of his mouth was: "POOP IS GAY AND HAS A BIG BIG CRUSH ON SNOWBALL AND ONLY SET HIM WITH SANDY CUZ HE (Snowball) LOVED HER (Sandy) AND AS LONG AS LONG AS HE'S HAPPY, POOP'S HAPPY TOO!" Mr.pepperoni man covered his mouth. He couldn't believe what he just said. I mean he did, he know the secret would find a way to the rest of the crew one way or another, but not like that! "Uhhhhh." Snowball said not knowing how to reply to this. "What?!" Sandy yelled. Poop was feeling 100 different emotions all at the same time...but none of them were happy. Sandy walked up to Poop and grabbed his neck."Stay away from my Snowball!" Sandy yelled. "Woah babe, relax, I'm fine with it." Snowball said
(yes Snowball and Poop are still friends)
"Well I'm not!" Sandy began. "You're my best friend Poop, why did you do this too me!?" Sandy shouted. There was a long pause. "I don't know! Ok! I-"   Poop was explaining. He didn't get time to finish his sentence, since Sandy punched his face hard. It felt like he was getting punched in slow motion. Poop felt dizzy from that punch. "Woah babe! Too far." Snowball said trying to calm Sandy down. "No! It isn't!" Sandy screamed. She pinned Poop to the ground and stepped on his chest. She bent down and punched + slapped the living sht out of him (No pun intended). Tears formed in Poop's eyes. Sandy did feel bad but it was too late to take it back. "I'm sorry."
She whispered but it was really quiet so nobody  heard her. Poop ran away. "Wait! Poop! Come back!" Mr.pepperoni man called out. The closer Mr.Pepperoni man came to Poop, the faster he(Poop) ran. Poop finally found himself on the viewing deck. He curled up into a Ball and cried. "Poop! I'm sorry!" MPM exclaimed in between tired breaths. "Save it!"
Poop shouted through tears. "You told everyone when you promised not too! Now my other best friend hates me!" Poop quickly added. "I know and I'm sorry, I have no idea what came over me!-" Mr.pepperoni man apologized. He got cut off by Poop yelling:" I ALREADY TOLD YOU! SAVE IT! I HATE YOU! DON'T TALK TO ME EVER AGAIN!" Poop's words echoed through Peps head. "What?" MPM replied quietly. "You heard me! Get out of my fcking sight!" Poop yelled. "Ok...*sniff*..." Peps sniffled as he put his arm against his nose. All of a sudden, Peps lost control. "YOU HATE ME?! WELL GUES WHAT MFER, I HATE YOU RIGHT BACK, I DON'T EVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!!" Slipped right out of his mouth "Whatever, I don't care, just get away from me! You disgust me..." Poop replied. MPM covered his mouth. Why did he say those things? Even he doesn't know! But it was too late to take it back, MPM ran away. Poop kept quiet the whole game. After the game,Poop left game. MPM was ashamed. Why did he out him?! Why?! He was blocked on everything! Snapchat, Facebook, even from Poop's contacts! It was official, Mr.pepperoni man just lost his best friend.
The end(and no, Sandy never forgave Poop and MPM and Poop never became friends again)
Omg this took forever to write!😩

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