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The following week was busy, with many of the girls in the castle stressing over the Yule Ball and the remaining boys without dates stressing over finding someone to go with. Through the grapevine that was Hogwarts gossip Aurora found out Harry and Ron were taking the Patil twins, though they obviously didn't put much thought into asking them sincerely.

Work had been piled on in all of Aurora's classes and she had to abandon her quest to the restricted section for the time being. Eventually she would get back to it, but there was far too much to do with such little time. Not only was she too busy, but Hogwarts was far too crowded to get in unnoticed. Barely anyone decided to go home for Christmas break, with the dorms and hallways still being as full as they were during the term.

And so the week consisted of studying in the library, working on papers, eating meals (if she remembered), and going back to the library for the night. At one point Hermione dragged her to Madam Pomfrey for "emotional support" as she got her two front teeth shrunken. Aurora never noticed that they were larger than most, but once the spell was done her smile seemed brighter and a new air of confidence hung around the bushy-haired witch.

Finally finals were upon them. Professor Trelawney insisted that Aurora didn't have to take her final, which apparently involved reading tarot cards. As the girl entered the room for her test the teacher simply muttered, "I don't want you to see the same..." And shooed her away, giving her an automatic A. Muggle Studies was simple and fun as per usual, with the students working in small groups to disassemble a car to the best of their abilities. Aurora left that test with oil soaking her robes thanks to an unhelpful Hufflepuff, but a huge smile.

In potions the class was tasked with making a beautification potion and most of the class passed with flying colors thanks to Aurora making every move dramatic and noticeable for them to see. Most of the girls snuck theirs away in their robes, most likely to help them get ready for the ball faster. Aurora didn't have the heart to tell Pansy Parkinson that she made hers with the wrong ingredient (not that she was planning on telling her anyway).

The charms test was showing the class a simple confringo spell in a dueling setting, with half of the test being casting it correctly towards another student and the other half blocking it when it was casted towards themselves. That test along with the defense against the dark arts test of identifying two dangerous creatures (ghoul and banshee were Aurora's answers) and five jinxes were easy.

And then there was herbology and transfiguation, her worst subjects. The screechsnap Aurora was tasked to calm down instead bit her multiple times and the "simple" task of turning a beetle into a button resulted in a monstrous looking button with legs, antennae, and eyes that stared into the depths of her soul.

She failed both of those.


Soon enough it was Christmas eve and the girls in Aurora's dorm were spending what felt like the entire day to get ready. Lavender and Pavarti were running around like their heads had been cut off trying to find their accessories and planning out what time they needed to do their hair. Meanwhile Aurora and Hermione were sitting quietly on Aurora's bed reading comic books.

Hours passed until either of them bothered to get up, Aurora pinning back some of her hair to get it out of her face as Hermione used a spell to straighten her hair and tame the frizz it often had. They both applied a small amount of makeup before getting into their dresses. Hermione's was long and pink, ruffles on the skirt and a black ribbon around her waist. Aurora's dress, which was a deep blue on the top that slowly faded into white, barely brushed the floor once she had put on her black heels. Even with the uncomfortable glitter covering it, once she saw herself in the mirror she barely recognized the girl in front of her. Hermione had chosen it for her after she gave up dress shopping, mentioning that it reminded her of the night sky.

"Aurora! You look–" Lavender had reentered the room after leaving to find a pair of shoes her friend had borrowed, "You look amazing!"

She nervously smiled and adjusted one of the sleeves, "Thank you. You look beautiful."

Hermione struggled to get her shoes on and quickly linked her arm with Aurora's, "You both look lovely, but we should all go. We're going to be late!"

|| A/N short chapter cause the next one is a little longer. Check the photo up top for what Aurora's dress looks like ||

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