Note:the photos are from Google and does not belong to me
Avengers now i am going to show you guys some stupid random things about you which are fan made
Peter: fanmade cool you guys have fans Tony:yeah kid we are pretty famous
Yes let's get started
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Peter and shuri: hahaha this is best(laughing loudly) Tchalla and tony:oh god Clint:where am I Nat:you couldn't fit in it Steve: seriously it's not funny Everyone:it is
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Thor:MY HAIR Loki: brother don't shout you don't look bad Tony:yes pointbreak it suits Steve:i could also be funny Everyone:oh please Bucky:you are not funny Steve Tony:i become serious wow Rohdey: oh my finally (fury agrees)
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Steve:oh god (scared of thinking what he did now) Peter:ms nat is scary remind me to never make her angry (he whispered to mj) Mj (Snickered):yes dork Nat:Steve what you did Steve: nothing Shuri:it's so nice that you guys understand each other by facial expressions i ship it Peter,Scott,tony,Bucky,clint:me too Steve and nat:(looking here and there)
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Tony:CLINT how can you Clint:it's just the picture i didn't i swear Peter:never eat someone else's doughnut especially powdered one Nat: cocaine seriously clint Clint:what(shrugged) Fury and others including Odin and frigga are just thinking how this superheroes are fighting like kids
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Bruce and tony:HEY Other's laughing Nat: husband huh (smirking) Pepper:no we are dating it's just picture Tony:yes Bruce:and we are science bros okay Others nodding
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Nat:i remember it Pepper:it actually happened Steve: i am a headache Tony:comon capsicle sometimes yes Peter:yes mr captain america rogers sir in school also they show us your PSAs they are boring Clint:what now Steve:it's just some video i make because of goverment for school students Tony:we need to see it Peter:it's on youtube mr stark Bucky:we are watching it later Steve:wow great(sarcastically)
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Everyone loved this even fury Tony:this should be hung in the tower Steve:this is nice Thor:yes we all look great Everyone aggreed
Now let's start with other actors so the next i am going to show is Spiderman and his friends
(Peter was now scared and nervous tony just give him a look to relax)