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''We're Eternals,

we came here 7,000 years ago to protect humans from the deviants.''


When a family separated for centuries reunite to save a shared love,



In the beginning of time.....

.... Far before the dawn of creation, came the celestials. Creatures made to maintain the balance of life. Arishem, their prime, was the first to create a sun bringing light into the universe. Paving way for an eternal cycle of life and death. The universe was at a balance.

Then came the deviants. An irrational, uncontrollable form of predators that posed a threat the natural order of things. They emerged with only one goal, destroy evolved life forms and plunge the universe into unparalleled darkness and chaos.

In order to restore balance, Arishem deployed the Eternals- estranged immortals from a long destroyed planet called Olympia, In hopes that they would drive the deviants to permanent extinction.

-Or so they were told.....


Twelve Eternals

All immensely different

Ajak, their Prime Eternal. Beyond her authorative role, a more maternal one shines through portraying the fact that she sees each and every one of them as family. Proven by the way she cares for all of them deeply especially as their assigned healer. Though despite being their leader she was more than that, she was a friend. Thus often left her with internal turmoil, as she always felt like it was either her family or following Arisham . (Thinker)

Thena was a person who often favoured solitude over interacting with the rest of the group, leaving her with a more mysterious aura. Despite this, she has always been seen as a guarantied figure you can trust. Clearly sharing a predominant connection with Gilgamesh, opting to spend more of her time around him than most. It is no surprise the humans gifted her with the title, goddess of war, with her unpalpable fighting skills and visible maturity. (Fighter)

Sprite a mischievous spirit who loved sharing grand stories of their adventures with the humans through her hallucinations. In which evolved into the tales known of them in present day. Her avid joy for fun and entertainment makes her interesting to be around, if you can bypass her heavy sarcasm. An all around loyal person which doesn't always work out as her best trait. (Thinker)

Makkari held a bountiful excitement for anything and everything yet she was often very restless and wanted things to go at her pace. Extremely fast. Though this giddy enthusiasm made her a happy person to be around quite often placing smiles on everyone's faces as if it were her only goal. She had a rich love for human history and was devastated to see them forgetting it instead of embracing their past. This made her a big fan of sprites stories rarely ever missing when one was being told. (Fighter)

Linoe an outgoing character who spends a lot of her time pulling various pranks on the other eternals with sprite and sparingly lethia. She shares kingo's sarcastic humour causing those around her to find themselves in a constant state of laughter. When she's not spending her time with lethia she can be found reading only the most thrilling and page turning books. Unfortunately, due to her ghost like complexion or reluctance around humans they grew to connect her presence with feelings of unease and bad luck. Despite encouragement from other eternals, humans stuck to this persona. Branding her as a 'bringer of nightmares and madness'' in result of the effect her phasing through people leaves. (Fighter)

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