Chapter 2

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It's was already night. 9:00pm to be exact. Pantalone rushed out of the base to go back in town in search for a open pharmacy.

He stepped out and was greated by the cold wind outside thankfully he had a coat on. Eventually he reached the town. After some moments walking by every shop he luckily found the pharmacy. Reaching the pharmacy he was dumbfounded upon seeing various medication some, if not all of them he hadn't recognize.

One of the workers saw him having trouble and insisted on helping him before seeing the Fatui symbol on his coat. Pantalone turned around to see the worker staring and shaking.

"S-sir those are pregnancy tests? Are you sure your in the right shop.."

Pantalone dying in embarrassment. His face was bright red.

"Oh I'm very sorry, haha, could I ask where is the medicine for a common fever?"

"They are over here sir." The worker gave him an awkward smile before leading him into the right aisle. There he was more dumbfounded. There were too many brands of medicine. Thankfully the worker eventually helped him pick out a brand and check out.

"That would be 13500 mora, Sir."

Pantalone quickly patted both of his pockets to no avail of his wallet showing up.

"I'm sorry but do you accept cheque?"

"Sorry sir we-"

Pantalone quickly pulled out a cheque for more than what was needed grabed the medicine and started running back.

The worker even more scared to see the cheque signed by the name Regrator.

Back at base Pantalone made sure to not make a noise since half of the harbringers may be sleeping. He quietly entered Y/N's room to still see her sleeping peacefully. He carefully checked her temperature again. Still very high, and he started carefully reading the instructions on the medicine not taking note of the figure behind him.
Suddenly a knife is inches away from his neck.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"
Y/N using all of her strength not to drop the knife.

"Haha, My dear Y/N don't you recognize me?"

With dim lighting of the room and the dizziness Y/N was feeling she still couldn't recognize his voice.

She replied with

"No, stop playing games this is serious offence to break in Fatui hide outs"

"It's me Pantalone? Shirtalone? Monopoly man? Does that make you remember."

"Oh it's just you, well, how do I put this."
Y/N struggling to find words. Eventually let Regrator go.

"Why are you in my room, Most of all Why am I in my room? This is getting confusing.."

"Well, you see you passed out."


"And I carried you back."

"What the fuck."

"That doesn't explain what the fuck is in your hand right now. Are you drugging me?"

"NO NO NO, it's medicine. I promise my dear."

"Haha very funny, Regrator if your gonna take medicine why not do it in your own room?"

"Well, it was for you."

"So you are drugging me."

"Oh my Tsaritsa, I'm not drugging you."

"Well for the looks of it you are, I'm joking." Y/N gave regrator a smile. She loved teasing him for the smallest things.

"Well I appreciate the gesture, Regrator, I really do."

"Now let's see here..."

Y/N quickly unwrapped the medicine even while Regrator was holding it. It was very awkward Y/N thought because after unwrapping the medicine Pantalone seemed to hide the redness of his face getting caught by you.

You quickly took the medicine and grabbed a cup of water outside and made you way straight to bed.

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