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Chapter 19

    The official was choked before, but he was more sincere: "What time did Commander Tian think it is now?" What communication status and traffic status? People are dead here, and we don't want to be mourned. It will take a few months to get news from there, right? Then a second group will be sent over, plus the preliminary preparations, it will take a month or so to arrive. It's been half a year since we've come and gone, and the serum should be researched. Don't talk about the devils of the M country, we won't be afraid of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, anyway, the medicine is in our hands..."

    "If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Ha," Tian Yi sneered, and began to speak out when he was excited, "What do you think the inner serum is, does your old lady's foot-washing water make a pot in ten minutes? It’s still half a year, and it’s not bad to be able to study it in ten and a half years…”

    After arguing for half an hour, the chiefs gradually extinguished the fire.

    A military truck, only three people can sit in the narrow cab, Feng Yan is driving, Xie Qing is sitting in the middle to doze off, Ling Jiu is sitting by the door on the right, one of them is turned over in his hand. Brochure, mission summary.

    Yesterday, the base received a distress message from a scientific research delegation in country M, saying that it had entered the Bohai Sea, but unfortunately encountered an attack by infected seabirds. After the group, there was not much ammunition and fuel left, and more than half of the casualties were lost. Reluctantly went forward for a few hundred nautical miles, and the fuel ran out, but unfortunately encountered a group of zombie sharks. The capital base of country Z asked for help.

    Of course, the first party was obliged to hold a high-level summit meeting to discuss ways, and finally decided to form a death squad of 300 people, and drove to the coastal city of Y in the Bohai Sea. Friends of the country M, strive to minimize losses in all aspects.

    Of course, considering the danger of this mission, the organization decided to appoint Ling Jiu as the leader and Feng Yan as the deputy, and immediately set off with the three hundred elites.

    As scientific researchers, Xiao Lan and Xie Qing of course accompanied them all the way, because it is reported that the people of M have sent so many people to China with great fanfare this time to jointly study and discuss the anti-zombie virus serum.

    Xiao Lan was also accompanied by two unremarkable young people, a man and a woman, both of whom were indifferent to Ling Jiu's, but Ling Jiu knew that most of them were Xiao Lan before. The said No. 1 experimental body used this mission to test the water.

    Ling Jiu's attitude towards this task was optional. Anyway, when he was idle at the base, he was also idle. In addition to exercising his physical fitness every day, he followed the army to the surrounding cities and towns to fight zombies. It was really boring. If you have the opportunity to walk around, you can still see the sea, so why not agree?

    Zhou Mingyang was still in a depressed state, but he didn't follow him this time.

    After nearly a day of car dealership, the death squad finally arrived in Y City. After a brief rest at the small base, Ling Jiu led the team to a warship.

Naval Battle

    The team of 300 people was divided into ten groups. Each group had a soldier with the rank of captain as the team leader, who was directly responsible to Ling Jiu. But rather than saying that Ling Jiu led the team, it would be better to say that Feng Yan was working hard to take on the responsibility of leading the team and taking charge of all administrative affairs; Xie Qing was in charge of logistics and medical care. With the two No. 1 bodies, they plunged into the laboratory, and they never came out, and the meals were sent to them to eat.

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