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Chapter 3 and 4 makes no sense like they don't follow at all, I've been Bambozzeled my god. Enjoy the chapter I can confirm its better then those of the past. /(ಥ‿ಥ)\


Recovery girl watched a small sad smile etch itself upon her grandson's face as he squeezed his eyes shut leaning into her hand. The boy seemed to crumble apart in her hands, sobbing into her aged shoulder. Sighing she patted his back lightly, sway from side to side in a rocking motion. It felt as if hours had passed till the boys sobbing subsided into hicks. She didn't ask him if he was okay, nor did she say it will be okay. She simply patted his cheek before leading him into the house hand hovering behind his back in an imaginary guarding force from the past. Y/N was led into the house still in his slumped form with arms tightly in circling his waist. Plopping the boy lightly onto the sofa Recover Girl walked into the attached kitchen. Even though it was his assigned day to make dinner she didn't trust him in the kitchen when he was like this thus, she opened the fridge and glanced around at the possible available menu. "What do you want for dinner sweetheart?" Y/N didn't respond just shook his head watching as she busied herself with making something small for the two of them to eat. His eyes soon travelled down to a small box, tiny pictures peaking out from underneath its lid. After a few minutes Recovery girl placed a small plate of Lasagne mixed with noodles making Y/N frown and look at her in confusion, she only smiled and mouthed leftovers before sitting down herself with a cup of tea. Like that dinner passed peacefully in silence...

Now here he laid on his bed staring at the patterned ceiling as his mind seemed to go blank, slowly sleep overtook him leaving him once more alone and colder in the place he called home. His breaths turned deep and soft as his body returned to its corpse state of the past.


Glaring pale yellow rays shot through Y/N's window as the curtains hung uselessly refusing to do their assigned job. Y/N's eyes slowly cracked open before he shut them again refusing to get up this early but a request for the bathroom made itself well known in his bladder. With a soft groan he dragged himself off the bed shivering as the morning air hit his skin. Slowly waltzing to the bathroom, he glanced at the nearby mirror flinching at the state he was in. His face was pale with dark hallow bags forming under his eyes, left over swelling persisted on his eye lids as his hair was stuck in a forever state of a bird nest. Sighing he sped up walking into his attached bathroom and locking the door behind him. A frown etched on his face as he turned the shower water on to heat up before he made quick use of the toilet. After washing his hands and drying them he unlocked the bathroom door. Quickly grabbing a loose fitting (F/C) tank top and a pair of beige leggings matched with a pair of old combat boots and the required underwear he made his way back into the bathroom locking the door again and placing the clothes on the toilets closed lid. Y/N slowly undressed before checking the water temperature. After making sure the water was just below boiling, he walked in closing the shower door behind him. Slowly fog encased the shower walls as Y/N stood still face facing down staring into no where once more. Slowly he started washing himself but stopped to increase the temperature. His skin basked in a pinkish red glow as he started scrubbing the sweat off slowly. As he started washing his body his eyes narrowed in annoyance, tattoos similar to roots covered his entire right side climbing up his chest before fading at the top of his throat, names were written in cursive on his left thigh. He had more on his back though they were never used to hide anything. Y/N ran a hand softly along the roots his eyes half closed as if he was remembering someone dear. The water ran cold by the time he snapped out of his thoughts making him wince but still finish his shower. The once foggy room now only had a few drops water on the mirror, Y/N wrapped a towel around his waist before grabbing another to dry his hair with, after around 10 minutes he left the bathroom. He took a quick glance at his semi-messy room, his bed stood unmade with crumbled papers of all types covering the floor around it, books littered every corner as small notes stuck out from between the pages with clothes laying every here and there.

Taking a deep breath, he started clean- yeah no you're hoping for too much from the guy. Taking a deep breath, he wandered to his dresser grabbing a small notebook with tiny doodles of who knows what. Slowly he flipped to an open page before making a tiny doodle of a broccoli, Pomeranian, caterpillar, alien and baseball bat before chuckling with a sweet smile. Placing the book back down he headed to the door leaving is room as quietly as possible. Running a hand through his hair he headed to the kitchen to make himself a cup of (tea/coffee/ get a cup of water/ milk). After a few minutes Y/N left the kitchen dropping down on the coach with drink in one hand and a half-finished book in the other.

After around half an hour of reading and 4 cups of his drink later Y/N headed back to his bathroom, brushed his teeth and tamed his slightly dryer hair before heading to wake his grandmother. She had to catch a flight to America that morning. Heading back to the kitchen he made a small cup of tea for his grandmother before heading to her room. Knocking lightly on her room door Y/N waited for her reply before opening the door to drop her cup of tea on the dresser. When he opened the door he was greeted with the sight of her small form punching a suitcase shut and locking its latches.

He smiled at her placing the small cup down before grabbing her finished packed suitcases, it seemed as if she was packing to move with the number of bags she had. She grinned back gulping her tea down, I repeat she gulped down the just made BOILING HOT tea down, before hurrying out the door to get to the airport in time. Y/N could only chuckle and follow her to the car, his grandmother's driver already waiting by the car. He nodded at Y/N before taking the bags from Recovery girl and placing them in the boot. Following the example Y/N placed the rest of the bags in before giving his grandmother a light kiss on the head telling her to be careful. She only waved him off getting into the car with a reminder to eat home made food and not just eat out in the few moths she will be gone. He could only chuckle and waved at her watching the car retreated down the road. He had to get ready for his second day at work.



I hope you enjoyed this minimal chapter its simple and easy going and was needed considering the previous chapter was character wise chaotic!


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