Chapter five: is it really home?

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The blonde rubbed at his head as he sat up in bed, alarm clock blaring, basically screaming at him to get up and get ready for school. With an annoyed look he turned off his alarm clock and slid off of his bed, walking over to the closet and changing into a blue sweater and some simple shorts. It was fairly warm outside but he preferred to wear his sweaters, as his brother had gifted him a few a while back.

The blonde combed his fingers through his hair as he opened his door and descended down the stairs, walking to the kitchen and sitting at the mostly empty table, where a pinkette and a dirty blonde sat. "Good mornin'" The pinkette murmured under their breath, not looking up from their book, though they did acknowledge the blonde's presence.

The dirty blonde looked up from his phone when the pinkette spoke, glancing over the blonde who just sat at the table. He gave the younger a smile, "morning, Wil's out right now." The blonde nodded a bit when his father spoke, it wasn't unusual his older brother was out all day and came back in the late of hours of the night.

And that made the blonde really think about if the brunette truly cared about him, they never spoke anymore. Hell, the blonde didn't even speak to the few family members that did stick around. He wondered if they knew that he was mute, and he wondered if they knew would they actually care?

Biting his lip, the blonde stood from the table and waved his hand a bit as a goodbye, grabbing his backpack that was always thrown messily to the side when he entered the house. He then slipped on his shoes and opened the door, heading out of the house with his head down.

Closing the door was when he let his shoulders slump and a quiet breath escape him, the house was suffocating, even if there was barely anyone in it anymore. Pulling his backpack closer to himself he walked to school. He usually did now that the brunette never seemed to be home.

Well, was it really home anymore?

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