Chapter 7 useless princess?

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Blaze was held captive, in a cage, hanging from the ceiling. She was wearing a Stereotypical princess dress. The Color maching her fer. She was held captive by a Fearsome dragon turtle. "ge Ha ha ha ha now that your my prisoner princess, nothing can stop me from Conquering the soul kingdom. Ga ha ha ha ha. " 

suddenly a voice came from the dark castle. "How are you calling nothing." Sonic jumped out of the darkness. His fur Sparkled in the dark, as he readyed himself for battle. " You can not stop me. " the Dragon turtle Roared. 

He throw a punch at sonic. But sonic dodged out of the way. He throw another punch. And sonic just dodged out of the way. "Stand still and fight!" The dragon turtle went into a frenzy of attacks. But sonic out moved him with no problem. Sonic ran behind him, and got to the axe on the other side. "You know, you could have just pulled this, and won in seconds." " Oh" sonic pushed the axe down. Braking the chain that was holding the Bridge. The bridge quickly Collapsed, and the Dragon turtle sank into the lava. "Nnnooooooooo!" 

The cage floor opened, and blaze fell into sonic's arms. Blaze put her arms around sonic. " My hero, you saved me from that foul beast, how can I ever repay you. " "I'm no hero, you don't have to repay me. Saving you is all the reward I need." a couple of seconds past . They both moved their heads closer. Their lips just Inches away.

Then there was a loud thud. And blaze woke up from her strange dream. She fell from her hammock from turning to much in her sleep. Amy woke up from the sound of blaze, hitting the floor. "Wa-waht." She said, still half asleep . "Are we under attack?" She asked. Blaze got up of the floor and started to Explain . "No. I just fell out of my hammock, that's all." Amy slowly got up and rubbed her eyes. " Well, we're up now. We might as well head to deck. " Amy said, as she got out of her hammock. 

The two made their way to deck. Looking at the sky, it was just past sun rise. Sonic spotted them on deck. "Hey" he said, before rushing to them. "You two are up early. You skipped your beauty sleep or something." He said jokingly . "Blaze fell out of her hammock and woke me up." Amy said . Blaze looked kind of embarrassed. But then she remembered her dream. Sonic saved her from a dragon turtle, and was about to kiss her. She blushed a bit. "Must have been some dream then huh." Sonic said. Blaze's face went bright red. ( How could he know. How could he know about the dream.) As these thoughts went through her head. She didn't notice sonic's hand on her shoulder. "Blaze, you okay?" Blaze snapped out of her self imposed trans , and turned to face sonic. His face was close, too close. She tried to think of an Excuse. "Oh I'm just.. Not use to waking up so early, that's all." Sonic didn't think twice about it. But Amy thought there was more to it then that. "Well okay then. Can you two help out espio, he's just doing a Supply Check, but but getting it done faster would be Appreciated." Both girls agreed to the job. Blaze was surprised to hear that espio was also up as well. " Espio is up this early? " sonic Chuckled, forgetting that blaze was new here. "Yep. He's Usually up first, sometimes before me. I remember when I Recruited him. One day I woke up and I find half of my morning chores done. The he reported to me out of nowhere. He scared me half to death." The three Laughed at the story.

Amy and blaze made their way to the kitchen . Amy was curious about blaze's little blushing Session, when sonic got so close. "So, why were you blushing." Blaze was a bit shocked at Amy's question. She was never good at hiding her Emotions. But this emotion was something she never felt before. So how could she hid it. "I'm just not use to waking up early that's all." Blaze said, hoping to deflect the Conversation. "People don't usually blush when their tired. So why where you blushing." Amy was not letting up. She wanted to know the truth . Blaze then noticed the kitchen door. "Oh look the kitchen, let's go help espio." She tried to not sound Suspicious, but it did. 

She opened the door and looked for espio. He was counting the amount of meats they had. Blaze ran towards him. "Hey espio, do you need hel-" "no" he said, bluntly. "I'm almost done." He Tallied up all the food in the kitchen. Blaze asked him if they could help him with the next room. Hoping to get something to do, so she wouldn't have to answer Amy's question. "No. I can do it myself." But he knew she wouldn't leave him. "But you can keep me company." He said after finishing his tally. "I just need to do the cannon balls." He said walking out of the room. 

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