Chapter 6 enter amy the dancer

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Amy was forced to dance for jet and storm, in the captains deck. The room was raver Porsche, pictures of the previous captains hung on the walls in golden frames, their most Precious treasures where kepted in a Sealed glass, underneath their respective pictures. Jet was sitting behind a desk, in a big chair. Storm was sitting next to him, on a Stool. Above jet was a panting of the ship's first captain, he had no glass Sealed treasure, as his treasure was the ship itself. The two watched Amy's Hypnotic dance, Eagerly. Wave came into the room, seeing how jet and storm, where treating her. She angrily walks to them, and begins to yell at them. "How could you objectify her like this." Jet tried to defuse the situation . "Calm down wave, she's a dancer. Take a sit and join us." Wave was having none of it. " How could you Treat a woman like this. " jet rested his face on his hand. And said underneath his breath. "Oh here we go again." The two started Arguing . "Jet why do you keep doing this." " What, she's a dancer, if she didn't wanted to be treated like this, she should haven't have become one. " "that's victim blaming." " Well what else would people think when she's wearing an outfit like that, and dancing like this. " "oh, so if I dressed like that, and started dancing, would you Treat me the same why." As the two where arguing, Amy took advantage and tried to sneak off. Storm noticed her trying to escape, and ran after her. "Hey, she trying to escape." Storm got the attention of jet and wave, he grabbed her in a bear hug , stopping her from getting away. Jet looked at her and wave, he had enough of their Argument, and Decided to lock her up, so they won't have to continue their Conversation. "Lock her up with her friend, I need to check if we're still on course, anywhy." " Right away boss. " as storm carried amy away, wave continued their Argument anyway. "And what where you planing on doing to her, when her dance was Finished." 

Blaze slowly opened her eyes, and looked at her Surroundings. She was in a brig. She looked around again to try and find amy. She wasn't there. Then the door opened, storm carried amy to blaze's cell. He opened the door, and through her at blaze. They both fell to the ground. Storm closed the door, and laughed as he walked away. Amy got up off of blaze, and dusted herself off. "He could have shown me a little class." Amy Remarked, before noticing blaze, crawled up, shaking, and having a panic attack. "What are we gonna do, we're trapped here, their gonna take us to the empire, nobody knows we're in trouble where we are, soinc doesn't know where we are, it's hopeless, we're going to be captured by the empire forever." Amy tapped blaze's shoulder and tried to calm her down. "Don't worry blaze, sonic will find us." It did not help her at all. " You don't know that, we were by ourselfs, he doesn't even know we're here! " this reminded amy of a time in her life, where she felt hopeless. She thought telling this story would help blaze to calm down. "I Synthesize with you there, it feels like no one will be coming, and no one cares what happens to you. I felt like that too Once." This got blaze's attention. Amy was always so cheery, how could she feel such hopelessness in her life. Amy sat down on the bench that was in their cell. "I should tell you, how I became a dancer." Blaze was Intrigued by this story.

 " You see, I come from the kingdom of Avalon. Avalon is split in two, the West and the East. The West, has Luscious grass plans as far as the eyes can see. Huge lakes and Mountains, with Castles at the center of each town and city. The rich and Wealthy, held Competitions for the Entertainment of the masses. " Amy noticed that blaze calmed down a little, so she continued her story. "But I came from the East, it was completely different, almost the Opposite. A Huge desert, with sand as far as the eye can see. Very little with water, everyone struggled to get by. The only Wealthy people were the royal family, who kept it all to themselves. The only other Settlements, besides the Capital, was small towns. As such, crime was very high in these towns, there were only a few guards for each town, if you were lucky. My family were tarot card Readers, they told peoples Fortune for a living. But with people becoming less Superstitious over the years, we had trouble getting costumer. Sometimes, when my parents did their readings, they let me go, and Explore the small area around our house. And that's where I met her." " Met who. " Amy suggested a bit, trying to remember. "Ha ha, I don't remember her name, but I'll be dragged to the shadow realm, if I ever forget her dance. It was beautiful, and Elegant. Her moves were so smooth, and Transitioned into each other Flawlessly. Her light Purple outfit, and her bright pink hair, and her tanned skin, somehow made her even more Elegant. I saw how she made people happy, and how much money she was making. I wanted to dance just like her. So one day, when her Performance was finished. I jumped onto the stage, and tried to dance. I fell on my face. But when everyone was laughing at me, she helped me up. And she looked at me and asked if I wanted to dance. She became my Teacher. Every day we would practice dancing, she Teach me some dancing, and she told me about the incredible places she's been to. When the day came, she let me go first. I danced my little girl heart out, and people enjoyed it. After that, she had to leave with her dancing troop, she told me to dance freely and Express myself. I took that lesson to heart. The next time I was Allowed out, I went to town square, and danced. People took time out of their day to watch me, and some though money onto the ground next to me. When I came home and showed my Parents how much money I made, they came up with an idea. Every Saturday, they turned their business into a stage show, people would pay to see me dance, and we where Able to make a living off of it. I even made some friends, Nicole the lynx, and bunny rabot. I taught them everything I knew, and we Performed together. And we became a dancing troop. One day, a man saw our Performance, and he wanted to become our Manager, and take us on the road. He'd even pay our familys a share of the money we made. We all agreed, I said good by to my parents, and we danced almost all over the East. "

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