Outsiders to the Overworld

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Foolish found himself in a busy, human market, surrounded by carts and crates draped with colorful fabrics and people bustling through. It didn't take him long to notice the white bandages that covered his arms, and upon standing up he realized that most of his body was wrapped in the same white cloth. He was also wearing a black cloak, with a hooded veil to cover his face. At least the worker was kind enough to disguise him.

Foolish limped through the market, looking for some kind of map or sign to tell him where he was. He wasn't able to find either of those things, and decided to ask a nearby human. She was quite young, only a child, but Foolish hoped that she'd be able to help.

"Hello!" He greeted, trying to sound as friendly as possible. "I'm a traveler, and I don't know where I am. Can you help me?"

Foolish thought he did a good job, but the quick shout of "Stranger Danger!" from the girl suggested otherwise. Maybe he needed to find someone a bit older.

"Extra! Extra! Netherian Prince has gone missing! Reward for finding him! Read all about it!" A newsboy shouted, holding up his papers. Deciding that he might be able to help, Foolish walked up to him.

"Excuse me, but where am I?"

The newsboy smiled.

"Oh, a traveler, huh? Well, sir, let me welcome you to Hypixel!" The name sounded familiar in Foolish's head, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

"Thank you, kid. What's your name?" He asked, and the boy smiled.

"The name's Z. Nice ta meetcha!" He held out his hand, and Foolish took it.

"Well, Z, I don't have any money, but I owe you a favor. Just shout if you need a hand, okay?"

Z grinned, nodding. "What do I shout?"

"Um... help?" Foolish suggested. "Or just shout for Foolish. That's my name."

"Epic." Z did little finger guns at him, before continuing to sell his papers.

Foolish made his way out of the market, and under a big willow tree, away from the noise of the city. He took a few deep breaths, and began to think of a plan.

Well, he was going to think of a plan, until a stranger approached him.

When Eret stepped out of the long and dark tunnel, they were met with a giant portal. The portal glowed a shade of deep purple, with swirls of light floating around the room. Eret cautiously stepped toward it, and almost wanted to turn back and go home to their family, to where they knew they'd be safe.

But turning back would essentially mean giving up, wouldn't it? This was their one chance to escape a life that had been decided for them since the day they were born. A life they didn't want, and had been longing to get away from. Eret had made this decision years ago, and they weren't going to give away the opportunity now.

So, taking a shaky breath, they stepped through.

Their world went dark. And then it became bright. When they opened their eyes, they were met with the loud noises and bright colors of a street market. It was all quite overwhelming at first, but Eret slowly got used to the unfamiliar surroundings as they looked around.

Making sure their cloak was up and their glasses shielded their eyes, they walked quickly out among the people. There were plenty of travelers in cloaks, so Eret blended right in. Their teeth clattered from the cold weather. It was a bright sunny day, but freezing compared to the Nether

"Extra! Extra! Netherian Prince has gone missing! Reward for finding him! Read all about it!" Eret saw a boy holding up a pile of papers.

"Shoot...", they muttered.

Ducking their head, and pulling their cloak further over their face, they ran out of the market. Carts threatened to run over Eret's feet as they moved. Colorful banners and posters hung around the square. It was loud. Too loud.

What if they find me?

What if Father knows I'm gone?

I'm going to be killed!

Or worse, forced to rule the Nether...

The thoughts raced through Eret's mind, only making their overload of thoughts and feelings worse. They just needed somewhere peaceful and quiet to calm down, but places like that seemed hard to find in such a large city. They eventually came across a hill, with a big willow tree at the top. It would have been perfect, but someone else was already underneath the tree.

'Dang it..." Eret cursed under their breath, but just as they were about to turn around, the cloaked figure under the tree called out to them.

"Are you okay?"

Eret froze. "I- uh..."

"Hey, it's alright. If you need some quiet time I can leave."

Their voice sounded sincere, and almost sympathetic. Eret slowly moved next to them, and sat down. The stranger took their silence as neutrality, but decided to stay quiet.

"I'm Eret. Any pronouns." Eret spoke softly, as if not to disturb the temporary peace constructed by the other's words.

"It's nice to meet you, Eret. My name is Foolish. He/him works for me."

The person, Foolish, smiled brightly.

And Eret smiled back.

. . .

- Moss <3

(Also a huge shoutout to XandeaTheWatcher for editing and adding things to this chapter! Everyone go follow them <333)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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