Leo:April 29,2055

11 13 2

Dear Uncle Ernest

I got you a copy of the speech.
Here it is.

"My name is Mike Johnson and I feel you the government are being lazy.
Why are you sitting on your giant butts while people are getting murdered like during the Holocaust. Why are you watching this bloodshed like it is a TV show. This is real life, President Evergreen needs to stop what was he thinking sending national guard out there. They shoot to kill that's wrong people are destroying property and that is also wrong but don't take lives. I plead of peace don't kill my brothers. I beg of you my heart screams out for it don't take away life because you feel you are higher, because you are not we are all sinners.
We are all imperfect.
We are all flawed.
We are all brothers and sisters.
Don't kill with no purpose if greater good. Yeah I know soon maybe I will take a life I am in war but you slaughter not for the good of your country but because you can.
Don't abuse power because you're killing my blood, our blood with a certain coldness.
Don't kill family."


(Letters in History #1) Future Warfare:Letters from World War 3Where stories live. Discover now