Part 1

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"Times up! Lets see who won!"
It was the end of a turf war between an orange team and a mint team. The two feline judges, Judd and Lil judd were thinking really hard about which team inked the map more than the other team.
"Cmon..." One of the team members on the mint team grumbled, she was known as Mint. "We gotta win!" Exclaimed one of her friends (and former teammates), Sakura.

"BAM! Orange team wins!" Lil judd raised his orange coloured flag for the orange teams victory.

"We won!!!" Cheered the orange team members as they celebrated with happiness.
"Called it!!! Their team is overpowered!" The mint team groaned, they done so well, but it wasn't enough to get the win.
"We lost again..." Mint grumbled, "Okay team. Meet me at the square, it's a meeting." She announced to her teammates as she walked off.

Suddenly as Mint was walking to the square (more specifically, the crust bucket and the tables near it), she started to mumble to herself,
"Wait... What is this feeling? I feel a certain way about orange... Her little smile when she wins... Is this... Love?" She asked to herself.
"Hmmm... *sigh* I should tell my team about this... Hopefully they will understand!" Mint smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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