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Emma left the club room and went directly to the classroom. Sam and Mia too followed her.

"Emma we are sorry" Sam said lowering his head and Mia too lowered her head.

"Why are you guys sorry?" Emma asked normally sitting on chair.

"We heard the conversation between you two." Sam said in low voice

"It's okay, no problem." Passing a sweet smile Emma said

"Emma you are not getting it. We are not sorry for eavesdropping; we are sorry for putting you in trouble because of our stupidity." Sam said lowering his head again out of guilt.

"Sorry we didn't told you what happened yesterday." Mia said this very fast in one go.

"What happened, yesterday?" Emma yelled looking towards the both.

"Actually yesterday we show Eric and Larry standing near faculty room in our department we went to talk but it turned into fight. Sam grabbed collar of Eric and said to him "Graduate and go to hell."

We didn't knew that this will turn out like this. I am sorry Emma. We didn't want this to happen." Mia said holding Emma's hand. Tears were falling continuously from Mia's eyes.

Emma removed her hand from Mia's hand and took out 'Genetic Engineering' book out of her bag which she borrowed two weeks earlier from Sam and said passing a smile "Mia look towards me. It's all right and I'm thankful that you guys told me the truth but it would be better if you guys have told me earlier.

Well it's okay; we just talked regarding the leaflet. So don't worry. And Eric told me that I have to be his assistant for Art Club activities untill he graduate."

"Emma but you are really bad at drawing. And creating art is just way beyond your imagination.

Being assistant to an top Art student, will you be able to justify it?" Mia asked with surprise as she know for Emma drawing a ten step Glycolysis is piece of cake but making even a rough sketch of face is like breaking a big mountain. She even took classes in past twice but she failed miserably and eventually gave up.

Taking a deep breath and then releasing a sigh she said "Yes, I know. I'm horrible and why he has chosen me, I don't know."

Passing the book to Sam, Emma said "I'm relieved." Once again Emma's face glow up.

"Emma are you fine? You're behaving little weird." Sam asked in low tone taking book.

"No I'm totally fine."

"That's good. But........"

"Sam their is no but.... You know earlier I was very angry; the way Eric behaved and spouted all that nonsense in Art club but after knowing the reason I'm relieved.

This horrible reaction is just part of yesterday action. I know him. I know him very well. Obviously I have invested more than two years in Eric, though it started with fack feelings but afterwards they turned into real one. In past I have bothered him many times even scribbled his newly painted posters, pictures... He never yelled, misbehaved or disrespected me though he knew the person behind all scribble is me."

"I got it Emma." Sam said folding his hand in disappointment.

"What?" Emma asked

"This, that you still love him after that big Basketball Court incident. You suffered a lot and even took off which you never did earlier. And still you are on the same page."

"You have point Sam. Emma are you that much hurt that you can't understand what is right or wrong. Or you are mixed up whether you hate him or like him." Mia asked placing her hand on Emma's shoulder.

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