6 | captain therapist

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Audrey's POV

It was like a haze. I could barely see three feet of what was in front of me. It was cold. I held my arms close to my body to diffuse the coldness. As I shivered, I looked around on where I may be at. And why I was here.

"Hello?" I call out, biting my bottom lip, waiting for a reply. It was completely silent wherever I was which gave me more anxiety.

The sound of water dripping filled inside my ears. Maybe there was a leak somewhere and it was raining outside. Whatever it was, it was making the situation worse and creepier, as if it was something out of a horror movie. The one where the killer kills everybody and there is no escape.

I kept looking around slowly, squinting my eyes to see if I could see in front of me, but my eyes wouldn't adjust to the darkness. I let out a shaky breath. taking a step forward. Movement was seen out of the corner of my eye, and I turned to the sudden movement, trying to catch a glimpse of whoever or whatever that was.

"I wouldn't move if I were you." The voice warned me, his voice almost colder than this room.

My teeth clattered. "Who are you?" I asked, my eyes furrowing in confusion on who this might be. But the sound of the voice was familiar.

"You know who I am, Audrey."

I did know who it was. . . Drex. He stepped into view, and from instinct, I stepped backward, avoiding him. He noticed the quick step I took back, and his face lit up with a smile. He knew I was afraid of him, and he knew I would do nothing to stop him. Especially if I'm alone and have no back up.

"Drex." My voice growled, but also shook as I spoke. He stood there, his usual headband on, his hands clenched into fists. Wait-- he was holding something. My eyes finally start to get used to the darkness and I look down at the object he was holding. A dagger, or something close to it. Is swallow back the fear and look up at him.

Drex knew I saw the dagger. He stepped closer. "I see you found my little buddy." He held up the dagger to my face, inches away. My knees began to weak. "Don't worry, only one stab with take you out. You see this. . . this is not a normal dagger. It's laced with tarantula poison and a few other ingredients. It can take out 10 men with just one stab. It'll be over soon." He grinned at me.

"Why?" Was all I could muster. Why me? I'm too young to die. Just because he killed my mom doesn't mean he has to kill me as well. My heart ached with every breath I took. "Please, Drex. . . you don't have to do this."

"Oh, but I have to. That's the thing, Audrey." He was closer now, tracing my jawline with the tip of his dagger. "I swore to myself while I was in prison that I would kill everyone that Ray loved. And you are just top of that list. Maybe if I was able to get to you when you were a baby you wouldn't be in this position as you are now. . . what a shame. But life is unfair, and that's something you've got to deal with forever. Well, you don't have to deal with it forever. I guess you could say I'm doing you a huge favor. A 'thank you' would be appreciated."

My head was spinning at this point. I opened my mouth to say something, to plead for mercy, but nothing came out. It was like my voice has been sucked out.

"Henry. . ." I muttered, loud enough for Drex to hear.

His smile grew, and the dagger tip was poking my stomach. "Henry won't hear you. He won't save you. You simply cannot escape."


The dagger stabbed into my stomach. I couldn't feel anything from the screaming ripping out of my voice.


My body jolts awake, and I hadn't realized I was still screaming. That nightmare has been one of the worst ones I have ever had in my entire life. It felt so real. . . and it was scary. The door flies open and my dad rushes in, quickly throwing his arms around me to attempt to calm me down.

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