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Again an old story about Felix x Oswald. So yeah.. Might be quite different with how I write now


Felix was sitting while waiting for his food and coffee till Oswald came up to him
"Oh hi!"
Felix got no response
Oswald just walk away with a sad look on his face. Felix watches him leave and then saw his kids, Felix thought to himself aww there so adorable! Till one of the kids noticed him and the kid says
"Hey look it's momma! "
Oswald who was carrying him whisper something to the kid and the kid then yell out
"Oh sorry mister!"
Felix just smile and replied with
"no it's alright we all make mistakes".
One of the kids who was standing near Oswald came up to him and started to talk with him

Felix POV

I listened to the kid who was talking to me. He was telling me all about his family and how nice they were, I thought it was adorable so I smile at him and I started to rub his head and I chuckled. The kid's smile made my day. I realized that I didn't got the kid's name so I asked him for his name, he reply with
"Oh my name is Matt!"
"That's a cool name mate! "
I said to Matt.

No one's POV

Oswald noticed that Matt was missing and then saw him with Felix and came up to them. Felix saw Oswald and told Matt
"Oh I think your dad is coming over here"
Matt turn around to see his dad
Oswald grabs Matt's wrist as gentle as possible and bowed as a please forgive him
Felix response was
"Oh no it's fine! No need to say sorry"
Matt said
"Yeah dad!"
Oswald just had frown and just didn't know how to respond. Felix noticed and ask if he could talk? Oswald spoke because he didn't want anyone to assume that's he's mute and he didn't want to be seen as a attention seeker
"No I can! It's just I don't like talking"

Felix POV

When the man spoke I realized his voice sounded very gentle but sad at the same time. I asked him for his name then Matt pull out a note book and a pen, and then gave it to his dad. Matt's dad wrote down oswald but you could call me oz
"Oh alright oz!"
I said to him


When he said my nickname I thought of my little bro so I wrote down be right back. He seem to understand so I went to get my bro.

Felix POV

Once he left I watch over his kids and all of them were so adorable so I yell out
"Group hug!"
All of them ran into me to the point they push me down onto the ground and they all hugged me. The man who was supposed to give me my lunch waited for me. I noticed and I said
The man said it was alright
The kids watched me and they whisper to each other and took me to their table.


Once I got back with my bro
"So who's Felix?"
My bro asked me I wrote down
"Oh a new friend I made"
"That's great Oz!"
My bro yelled out
I saw my kids with him and he had his lunch with him and he had a book with him and I heard him reading it to them. My bro said
"So is that him? He seems kind! "
I wrote down
"Yeah that's him"

Felix POV

I noticed oz was here with someone and I asked
"Who's that?"
The person replied with
"I'm Mickey! Oz's brother"
All the kids jump up and yell out
Oz was smiling
His smile made me blush a little. I can say this his smile was cute.


I noticed that Felix was staring at me and he smile at me when I turned to him. I felt like he was flirting with me but he wasn't. So I blushed a little bit. Am I falling for a guy? Who I just met?
My kids ran to him and asked him if he wanted to come with us he said
"Sure but only if your dad let's me!"
Then he turned to me and so does my kids and bro
"Sure I guess"
I said all of my kids jump in happiness. I felt happy I wasn't sad for a while till we left the cafe and went back home. Of course Felix was coming with us but the kids was with Mickey so we pretty much walked together.

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