Dinner part 2

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Xiao Zhan pov

"It's been a while since I've seen you Mr Wang" the door opened out of no where . Like one of those grand entrances in those movie's.

I turn to look at the door and I see a man standing there. He's pretty tall . He has black hair .I can't really see a face because of the dark background and how he blends in with his dark cloths .

Mr Wang? Does this guy have some sort of business with him. The guy steps into the light . He actually looks more appealing than I expected. He has a lot of accessories . He has all those Jungkook accessories. The lip piercing, eye brow piercing , ear piercing and all those bracelet's. (I mean that in the nicest way .)

I look over at Yibo who is smiling non-stop. Who is this guy then . Cause if this guy was here for business he wouldn't have one of those I'm-so-happy-to-see-you smiles on. Is someone going to say a name or when this guy greets me am I just going to look like an idiot who doesn't know his name . Well then again he won't now my name so the feeling will be mutual so . But then again he might know who I am . Just another person who knows who I am . Yet I don't even know why I'm so known.

"I'm sorry sir I don't know who you are ?" Yibo asked with a straight face and I'm just confused. If he doesn't know who he is then why is he here acting like a family member."Come on man , I'm  Zhuocheng ."

"Zhuocheng, as in Wang Zhuocheng. Wow with all the formality I never knew we were related." Wang Yibo said. I just feel like an idiot or something . I'm so confused.

Another relative ,A Xuan is adorable. Yibo is weird and crazy . I wonder how he is .

" Come on , you know I was just making an entry ."

"A bad one . Okay fine , now come here and give me a hug ."

Okay he hasn't noticed me yet , maybe I can sneak away . They are hugging . Wait a minute he walked right passed Xuan and hugged Yibo . I can see A Xuan is burning with jealousy.

" Okay fine! Ignore my existence. It's fine I don't exist . Literally push me a side to hug someone else . I'm going to my room ." Xuan looked pretty upset . He started walking towards the staircase .

" Wait!" Zhuocheng screamed for A Xuan to stop . A Xuan stopped . Even though I couldn't see it but I could feel the smirk that he had .

" Don't go crying in the rest room I need to go there soon ." Zhuocheng said .A Xuan turned around angrily .

" There's plenty of bushes why don't you go to one of them , oh and hug them too !"  A Xuan said and turned around and was about to start walking towards the stairs . When  Zhuocheng was done teasing him and called out to him .

"Wait , I'm sorry Gege please forgive me ." He said with pleading eyes .

" Not so easily but I will . I will tell you what to do later . But first give me a hug too Didi " it was so cute watching them but suddenly I felt like I was being ignored . I'm a breathing living human that exists in the same room as them . Well maybe cut down on that breathing and living part .

I was happy that no one noticed me actually I forgot that I'm basically a stranger that Yibo brought to live with him . Not forever . Why did I have to feel ignored it seems like he noticed my existence. Maybe if I run I can make it to a place to hide . And hopefully he won't notice me .

He was done hugging A Xuan , when he realized there's another person in the room .

He slowly looked at me . Maybe if I close my eyes I'll wake up or become invisible or something.

" Hello , ummm......" I could feel that closing my eyes thing was not working . So I opened my eyes and responded." Hello....."  I said in a small voice . Everyone was looking at me .

Someone save me or send me to hell with all this embarrassment I feel like it's possible I might die again .

" Oh , sorry Zhan Gege. Cheng Di this is Zhan Gege. Gege had brought him here to stay with him ." I'm happy someone spoke up but did it have to be said like that . It sounds like Yibo brought me to live with him as if we were dating or something .

Zhuocheng suddenly looked at Yibo , the table, me , Yibo and Xuan . He looks like he came up with a conclusion. " Ohhh,........" It seems like the wrong conclusion because at the end of that ohhh he looked at Yibo and he had a smirk on his face .

" That explains a full meal on the table and no burnt toast or chips and soda ." That doesn't seem like the only conclusion.

" Enough talking now let's eat . You must taste Zhan Gege's food . "  A Xuan said .

" It looks delicious way better than Yibo Gege had ever made ." Zhuocheng said

" Okay enough insults let's eat "Yibo said .

I wonder what Zhuocheng thinks is going on .

Well that all I will be making a part three .
I know I'm annoying .
I will be posting anytime of the day on Friday but mostly in the afternoon or night .

I hope you enjoyed it don't forget to vote and leave a comment.

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