I should just ask

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Third pov

Zhuocheng says nothing because his mouth and brain stop working when he came into Yibo's room . And he sees Zhan sitting down on the bed . Zhuocheng  was confused . "Oh Cheng di you're here ,.........come sit down ." Zhuocheng sits next to Zhan on the bed . Zhan didn't know what to do . He just thought it would be polite . And maybe since Cheng was going to live there for a few weeks it would be nice to get to know him.

Other side of the house

'I should ask him. I'm not sure how to but I should , I wouldn't want Cheng di to get scolded again just because he was curious. But I'm just as curious but I'm Yibo's brother so nothing much will happen. I won't get thrown out right ?' This was all A Xuan could think about while he was standing at the wall that's just before the living room. His mind was only thinking about what Zhuocheng asked him . He asked him if Yibo and Zhan are dating .

Now it will be easier to ask him . Since he is not grumpy today .

He went up to him and sat next to him on the couch.  Yibo was just on his phone. When he noticed A Xuan in the room he put off his phone and set it aside . He could sense that A Xuan wanted to ask something so he gave his brother his full attention.

" Xuan di what happened you want to ask me something?" A Xuan just nodded in response.

" Are you in love with Xiao Zhan?"He asked with big innocent eyes.

Yibo looked at A Xuan completely shook. His brain stopped functioning properly." Ex--cuse me ?--- w-what!?"

" Was I not clear ? Are you in love with Xiao Zhan. You know the handsome jem you brought to live with you . " He said in an innocent voice actually wondering if he heard him.

" I heard you I mean . ...... Ahhh " Yibo had this weird look . Kind a sad look . He stared at the ground ." What happened Yibo Gege" A Xuan was confused. He didn't expect Yibo to act like this at all. The most would have been angry.

" I was afraid of this and my fear has been confirmed. " Yibo said looking down . Xuan was confused .

" Scared of what ?" He asked .

" He's the same the same guy that I ......." A Xuan was shocked ." Is Zhan Gege the same guy " Yibo just nodded

" He's the same guy that I............"


Anyway that's all for this chapter . Sorry it was short . Hope you enjoyed .

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