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- Ripley's POV -

"Jules, si tu ne te lèves pas tout de suite, non seulement tu n'auras pas de café, mais tu n'auras pas non plus ton cadeau d'anniversaire," I warned the large, sleeping lump in our California King, the only available mattress able to comfortably fit my large submissive and husband.
(Jules, if you do not get up this instant, not only will you not be getting coffee, but you won't be getting your birthday present either.)

"Je suis debout! Je suis debout!" He cried, suddenly shooting bolt upright to look at me, eyes alight with eagerness, though still filled with sleep at the same time. The bedsheets had fallen down his body, showing his large, broad, cream-colored chest that had a light smattering of hair spread across it, unlike my perfectly smooth and hairless chest, as it has always been, and not from waxing.
(I'm up! I'm up!)

I smiled down at him, though not very far down since even sitting on the bed, he was almost at my height. When he laid down on the bed on either his stomach or back, he was at the perfect height to take my cock in both of his holes though, and I wasn't complaining seeing as his height was among the millions of reasons that I loved him.

We married just two short years ago, having waited a year after our engagement due to my birth givers having popped back up a few short months after our engagement. 


It was a pleasant Saturday, the weather being surprisingly nice out despite it nearing the peak of summer. It wasn't too hot, and the breeze that steadily blew helped to cool everything down further every once in a while.

Jules and I were still in what our family called the 'engagement bliss', meaning that we were still celebrating our engagement, basking in the joy of knowing we were committed to one another and our relationship wholeheartedly.

Being that it was a Saturday and we were off from work, Jules and I decided to head out to the same park we had first visited back on our first date together. We had no set plans in mind when we arrived, so we decided to just aimlessly wander around. We walked slowly along the path, hand in hand, smiling at each other. For the longest time, we didn't even speak as we basked in the silence and joy of being together.

We had no troubles. And no worries.  Everything was going exactly as it should.

"Is that our son, Devon?!"

Motherfucker, I spoke too damn soon.

Both Jules and I stopped in our tracks at the unfortunately familiar, screechy voice that was the cause of many of my nightmares as a child, and then some into my adulthood.

"Ripley..." Jules spoke lowly, a questioning tone in his voice.

"Pull out your phone, pretend to take a call, and walk away," I responded, speaking in the same low tone.

"What?! Ripley, I won't leave you with them!" He hissed, looking down at me in a mix of horror and disbelief.

"I want you nowhere near them either. Now listen to me," I said, giving him a stern look.

"Yes, Sir," he said, though not very happy to be having to abide by my request.

Behind us, I could hear them approaching and still yapping on about something. What exactly that was, I wasn't sure, but I knew I needed to get Jules away from them quickly. Not only that, but I needed him to be able to call the police.

"Once you get a safe distance away, I want you to phone the police and tell them our exact location so that they can be picked up. With the outstanding warrant for their arrest, calling the emergency line is sure to get the police to act quickly," I said, peeking back over my shoulder to see they had almost made it to us. "Now, go."

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