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"HEY, LEAVE ME ALONE!" The voice said as it stumbled in the room and knocked both him, Chica and Foxy over.

"AYE! WATCH WHERE YE ARE GOING! GET OFF ME, YOU!" Foxy yelped as the other animatronics who recently entered gets off him ever so slowly. I took as much as my eyes could to examine this creature. It was a puke-green colored bunny. It looked broken and it stank like rotten flesh. His eyes shined bright purple and I saw my world turn pink and saw it shine as if it were an aesthetic video.

"Oh, hello there, Juslyn. Long no see, hmm?" The bunny said as it slowly approaches me. My face turned bright red and I constantly looked at the others at if I should run. "Don't worry, I don't bite.....yet." he said, kneeling down at me and inspecting my body. "You look awfully pretty for a night guard." He said in a sly way. I swore I heard chicken noises in the background. "Say, what gave you this idea to work here? Are you not SCARED?" He asks, mini-jumpscareing me. I flinched and I gulped, now knowing that this bunny rabbit isn't as cute and soft as any normal would be.

"N-no.. I j-just needed the job and I-I thought it would b-be cool for us to work at a s-scary place." I stuttered, noticing the bunny got up and scoffed. "Sounds pathetic. Well, welcome I suppose to Freddy Fazbear's!" He said, making jazz hands with a sarcastic tone. "Why are you here in the first place? Just go home. We don't need any flimsy distraction in our way- what the frick are those bones doing here?! Didn't I tell you, Freddy, to go throw ALL evidence of victims away?" The bunny yelled, grabbing Freddy by the bow-tie. "But Springtrap, I did throw them! This is Disbelif! She's a  skeleton!" Freddy said, pointing at the day-dreaming set of bones.

"Oh, hello. I caught your name already." Disbelif chuckled as her pin-prick eyes rolled into their place. "What- Look, times have changed, old man. We can simply leave but we always come back, just like you say, right?" The so called 'Springtrap' asked as Disbelif cut him off. "How did you know?" He whispered and he simply growled and headed for the door. "I will be back to check up on you. Just go home for today. You are lucky I didn't kill such beautiful girls today." Springtrap growled as he left the room.

"I don't know WHAT YOU ARE DOING but Springtrap is mine. Don't you even dare lay a single fleshy finger on him or it's lights out for you, got it?!" Chica whispered as she grabbed my shirt and hit me up against the wall. "Aye, hands of Juslyn. Stop being so jealous and go back to simping like a freak you are." Disbelif said with a dark tone. You could see that she was angry because a weird multi-colored aura escaped her skull crack.

Chica eventually dropped me with a 'hmph' and I felt so much pain. "A-ah.. that hurt.." I groaned as I adjusted my posture. "Are you okay??" Disbelif said as she rushed over to me and my world became white. I now think back to what Disbelif said before..... "Go back to simping like a freak you are." That word. Freak. It sounds.... Cool. Like a good nickname that animatronic could give me.... No, It can't be. Those feelings shouldn't exist! Am I really falling for a 30+ year old animatronic?

Am I really in love?


YOOO! I CAME BACK! Whatcha think? I mixed up the fonts so that way I get to know which is which. Stay tuned for more! Disbelif out!

~Noticeable Love~ (A  Springtrap x Reader And Requested Story)Where stories live. Discover now