3rd part

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~~~~~~~~~~~~•Next day•~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Levi's pov
I woke up from my alarm and remembered y/n was coming to work with me because of Petra and I'm glad she is so I gently shook y/n "y/n wake up" I whispered to her "what?" "Come on it's time to get ready" I said "hm okay" y/n said getting up along with us getting ready, we finished getting ready and we walked out to the car"you ready?" I asked "yeah" she said as she yawned how did I get so lucky?
Y/n's pov
I woke up to Levi gently shaking me a"y/n wake up" "what?" I asked clearly very tired"come on it's time to get ready" Levi said "hm okay" I said as I started getting up to get ready when we finished getting ready we headed out to the car and I saw how dark it was we sat down in the car"you ready?" He asked "yeah" I said as I yawned and Levi started the car and he drove to his business place,we arrived and Levi got out of the car and went on my side to open my door "thank you" I said to Levi as I got out of the car "this place looks creepy when it's dark"I said "I guess you could say that but it's not that scary"Levi said and we walked in and I saw Petra so I quickly hid so that way she thinks I'm not here"LEVIIIII YOURE HERE!!I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" Petra ran up to Levi to hug him but he dodged "tch,Petra stop I know you put brainwash powder in my drink" I heard Levi say "oh getting straight to the point I see but I did not put brainwash powder in your drink"Petra said making it really obvious that she did but brainwash powder in his drink god she is so annoying she one person"so ima scoot to the kitchen to make you some tea"Petra said so that's when I got out of my hiding spot and went to Petra"Petra you're f-" I interrupted Levi and said"Petra you can scoot your ass to your house because your fired" I said "excuse me,but you don't have the rules to fire me" Petra said "yes she does Petra now GET OUT!" "No" so I went up to Petra a punched her in the head and kicked her in the stomach "oh,and by the way I put the brainwash drug in your drink you drank earlier and it should activate in 3" "how dare you!" Petra said "2" "UGH, y/n I never liked you!!" "1" this is gonna be fun " w-where am I-who are you?" Petra said "this is a nightmare that you can't get out of *smiles in the creepiest smile* "AHHHHH" Petra runs out of the company "hahahaha that was the funniest encounter of my life" "wow I knew you had this power in you but not like this that was amazing" Levi said "now that that's dealt with let's go home" "yeah I said
————————1 years later——————————
Y/n's pov
me and Levi were playing call of duty and Levi keeps dying and cussing in front of Kaito "Levi stop cussing!" I said "I keep dying!,it's not my fault this game is fucking rigged!" Levi said "first of all this game is not rigged it's not my fault you suck" I said as I hit the back of Levi's head "stop cussing!" I said "let's just play with kaito"kaitooo" I said to him "fuck this" levi said "f-fuck this" kaito said I turned to Levi and smacked the back of his head again "HIS FIRST WORD WAS A CUSS WORD!" I saw Levi get up and run so I chased after him and once her reached a dead end I ran up to him and kept hitting him "IF WE EVER GET ANITHER CHILD SHE/HE BETTER BIT SAY A CUSS WORD AS A FIRST WORD LEVI!" I said "OKAY OKAY FINE!"
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~THE END-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
And there goes and ending with y/n screaming I hope you enjoyed this make sure to not forget to comment and vote !
567 words

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