love you too pt.6

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As we where on our way to the sushi's restaurant we jammed out to music and danced the whole way their. I was sitting by Kat in the driver's seat, Sam was sitting next to Colby and Jake and Devyn where sitting with Corey in the back. I turned down the music and pulled over. "WE'RE HERE BITCHES!!" Jake chuckled and rolled his eyes at me. I laughed and stepped out "so, are you gonna sit their or come with me!" Everyone got out and walked to the door. I walked in first and all the attention came to me. Everyone looked over to see who walked in. I noticed a blonde boy my age with dark streaks of red and brown through his hair, he was cute but his friend was HOT. His friend was a blonde too but had no color in his hair and a nose piercing. they stared at me as i walked in with everyone. Jake came up behind me and put his arm around me and i looked up at him and smiled. Colby walked infront of us and talked to the waiter. "Come with me i'll get you your seats!" we followed the waiter to a large table next to the blonde boys and sat down "i see you already got your eye on a prey."i turned to see Kat leaning close to me and smiling. i giggled "the one on the left is pretty hot." "Not gonna lie he is though." i laughed and picked up the menu that the waiter handed out. "hey guys what could i get started for you today?" "Can i get the special?" "same" i look over to Colby and smiled. "yup, anybody else" everyone ordered their drinks and food and talked for a little bit until our stuff arrived. We ate and talked until our stomachs hurt and we had to go home "Hold on i have to use the bathroom really fast." "Devyn Kat come with me." We walked into the bathroom and did a few things until we heard a knock at the door Kat opened it and looked at me "I think it's for you." i walked over to the door and saw the blonde haired boy standing at the door. "uh, Hi?" "what's your name gorgeous?" "oh uh" "sorry man she's with me" Colby was standing by the hallway waiting for us to come out. I pushed my way past blonde and the girls walked out after me. I looked back to the boy and he was just standing their with a dumb look. it was kind of funny. We walked outside to my car and me and the girls burst out laughing. "Oh man you
should have seen his face when we walked out of that bathroom!" "that was hilarious!" we got in the car and drove away, but i didn't take them home. I was taking them to a place i rented out for the night. "where are we going?" "you'll see." i had bout clothes for everyone so they would be able to sleep in clean cloths and i bout all the important stuff. I pulled up to a beautiful 2 story cabin with a pool and hot tub. "where are we?" "i rented this place for the night just wait till you see the upstairs!" we all got out of the car and i took them upstairs to the balcony. it was a beautiful view of the ocean and the mountains. "what about our cloths and stuff?" I turned to Corey and rolled my eyes with a smile. "don't worry princess i bout everyone cloths and all the important stuff. cmon i'll show you your guises bedrooms." I took Sam and Kat to a nice bedroom with a TV and large bed with a small balcony and a bathroom by their closet. I showed Corey And Devyn their bedroom and Jake his "well where do you sleep?" Colby said as i walked him to his room "don't worry it's a five bedroom cabin i've got my own place" i walked him downstairs to a room full of pictures of the forest and a small balcony with a large TV at the end of the bed. "Oh wow" "do you like it?" "no.." "oh well we ca-" "I LOVE IT!" He picked me up in his arms and twirled me around like a princes. I laughed and screamed and he finally put me down "i'm glad you like it!" "thank you C!" i looked at him and smiled "your amazing" i giggled "i'm gonna get situated in my room, I'm glad you like it!" He smiled at me and i walked out of the room. WHAT THE FUCK!!?!? Does he really like me!?! I shook my head in frustration and walked into my room. It was a small room with a tiny bath room and a TV on the wall. it had a little balcony and a fire place so i would be comfy. I walked into my bathroom and stripped off my cloths and hopped in the shower. i got out and went to find my cloths but i couldn't find them. Oh. No. i heard everyone downstairs so i had to go down and ask where my cloths where. I walked downstairs with a towel wrapped around my chest and my hair in a wet bun. ass soon and i reached the bottom of the stairs all the attention came to me. "hey uhhh h-has anybody s-seen my cloths." Jake looked at me with drool practically coming out of his mouth and Colby looked white as a ghost. Sam and Corey looked away and i felt really awkward. "Oh Shit" i heard Kat speak up "i'm so sorry C you gave me to small of a pair and i switched my pj's with yours!" "i thought i put mine in your room" she added "No ummm... it's all god but can i pleas get them?" My towel slipped a little and almost fell down but Jake ran over and covered me up with a blanket. "Hold on i'll go get them you go to your room!" "ya, ok" Jake and Kat took me upstairs and helped me out. Kat brought me her pj's and gave them to me. Jake made sure i was ok and they both left the room. The pj's i bout Kat where cute but kind of revealing i liked them a lot but if i was alone i would like them better. The top was a short laced Black crop top and the shorts where showing half my ass. i honestly didn't mean to get these they where just on sail and i thought that they would be cute. I walked down to the living room and stepped into the kitchen to grab a snack. the only people down their where Jake,Kat, Sam, and Devyn so i was good. i walked to the fridge and grabbed one of the yogurt containers. I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and just stood their on my phone and ate. Pretty soon i felt too hands wrap around my waist and hug me from behind "i love you, you know that right?" it was Jake "I love you too."

A/N: this one was really long lol but i hopped you like it. All of the tittle words are usually toward the end so it's just more interesting so ya HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!

My boys {Colby Brock and Jake Webber}Where stories live. Discover now