Heart break pt.8

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I woke up to Jake gone and everyone outside. I stood up and walked out. "Clem!" Colby came up to me and put his arm around me. "Everyone is about to leave, I got your stuff packed up so you could sleep" Colby looked down at me and smiled "aww thanks, where's Jake?" "He's inside packing the rest of his stuff up." "oh alright, i'm starving, what's for breakfast!" He laughed and stopped for a second before grabbing my hand and spinning me around until we where both dizzy. "COLBY STOP!" I said while laughing. He laughed and stopped spinning me around. "I don't know what we're having for breakfast BUT if you want to go somewhere we can go." He smiled and we both started walking to everyone else. "Yo C" "Yes Corey?" i said in a sarcastic voice. "I need your help!" "Alright what's up?" "I'm trying to get a present for Devyn for our 1 year and i need help with what to get her." he whispered in my ear. "Ok well we can go to the mall and i'll help you find something!" "Ok great just don't tell her that we're leaving together when we go ok?" "alright!" Colby ran to Sam and i was left standing their alone. "Hey!" i turned around to see, SETH?? "What do you want?" i crossed my arms and turned around to walk away. "Seth? What are you doing here?" Jake came up to me and grabbed me so Seth couldn't hurt me. Sam came over and walked up to him. "Seth you need to go. NOW!" Seth pushed Sam and tried to grab me. "ASS WIPE KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Jake pulled me so i was behind him and got into Seth's face. Everyone else came over and stepped beside Jake. I knew i wasn't safe at this point but everyone sticking up for me made me so happy. "You need to go, before things get rough!" Colby stepped up and pushed him a little. "Look man! if i can't have her that i want her!" He reached out to Devyn and tried to grab her but Corey grabbed his arm. "I don't think you want to do that." Corey pushed Devyn to where i was and got closer the Seth. "i think it's time you get the fuck out of here!" Seth pushed past everyone and walked up to me. I looked away but he grabbed my chin and snapped it up to him. "your mine, let's go-" Colby grabbed him and threw him onto the ground. "SAM!" Sam ran over and grabbed the keys that Colby threw to him. He unlocked the car and yelled at everyone to get in. Everyone started for the car and got in. Colby was still holding Seth to the ground. "COLBY!" I yelled for him, he shot up and ran to the car but, Seth was way faster and drug him to the ground. "C. DONT YOU DARE!" Jake yelled for me but i ran out anyway. I dashed to where Colby and Seth where. I grabbed the log next to the fire pit and threw it at Seth really hard. As the log hit him right in the back he became really seek and let Colby go. Me and Colby dashed to the car and yelled at sam to drive. Colby called the cops and we went for home. We got home but everyone was to scared to get out. I started to tear up, thinking about how my parents treated me and what Seth could have done to me. "You ok C?" "Huh?" i wiped away my tears and looked up at Colby. "Are you ok?" "oh, uh ya i'm fine." I walked out of the car and grabbed my cloths. I walked inside to Jake and Corey talking in the other room. "You need to talk to her!" "shhh, she'll hear you." I walked over to the living room and peeked around the corner. "Will Sam get mad?" Jake looked down at the ground and rubbed the back of his neck. "Have you talked to him?" as Corey and Jake where talking. "Ya." Jake paused. "Well maybe i'm mad at Sam." Jake looked back up and started walking around the room. "Maybe he pissed me off!" He paused and looked back at Corey. "Maybe he pissed me off by telling me i'm not good enough for her!" I turned around and put my back to the wall. *he- he said that?* "Maybe i might just date C to piss him off!" *What!* I walked in to see Jake with his back turned and Corey facing me. Tears where streaming down my face. Corey eyeballed me till Jake turned around. "C! I-" "Did i miss something?" I turned to see Colby walking into the kitchen. "C? are you ok?" I turned to Jake, now balling my heart out. "C, pleas i didn't mean it!" I shook my head and ran up the stairs to my room. I slammed the door and locked it, falling onto the floor and balling my eyes out. I heard a door open and footsteps. "Hey Clem? you ok?" "GO AWAY SAM!" "What happened?" "FUCK OFF!" I heard more footsteps and a door shut. Good he left. I stood up and plopped onto my bed. I feel asleep to tears still streaming down my face.

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