Chapter 5 -- Remembrance

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Heres a short lil chapp that I literally just whipped up 5 minutes ago, but I really wanted to start the main plot of this story, so heres a filler that leads up too where I want the story to go!!


Jezebel's POV

Well after that exciting news, Malicae practically flew out of the room. Great, what the hell am I suppose to do now? Amelia was being held and comforted by Gavin, and I was sitting there like an awkward third wheel to a party.

Although, this seemed more like a funeral then a party. Sighing, I got up to go wander around, and maybe try and find wherever Malicae ran off too. It didn't take me long, somehow as soon as I thought of him my body seemed to know where to go. I found him in his library, staring emotionlessly at the wall.  

Never one to comfort, I seemed to have removed myself from an awkward situation into a more awkward situation. I stood by the door fidgeting for a bit before I heard a sound I never thought I would hear.


Startled I looked up to find tears running down Malicae's face. Without the  conscious   thought to do so I found myself sitting in lap and hugging him tightly. ' He really mustv'e lost it' I thought, as I felt him alternate between raining light kisses on my neck and inhaling my scent. Almost as if I was going to disappear on him. 

"Malicae, you know we can always change what she saw, right?" I waited for his response.

"I'm going to change it. There is no way the Amiela is going to die when I'm around."  He said with such determination that there was no doubt in my mind that Amiela was going to live whenever her vision comes true. 

"I just wish she had known what it was that attacked her, it would be so much easier to protect her, but its not just her i'm worried about." I gave him a questioning look and waited for him to continue.

"You." he whispered, "You've come into my life so fast that suddenly its not just Amiela is all I have left. You've given me another reason to wake up in the morning, another reason to carry on with my life, and most importantly, you give me a reason to always be better. I have to work to earn your trust, and eventually I hope, your love. Because, you see, I am completely and hopelessly in love with you." I stiffed at the mention of love. 

"You can't love me. I am not capable of being love, nor can I give it away." I hid in his chest as I let the memories of Gideon's pack wash over me. The rapes, the beatings, the killing of all my friends. Remembering how the children were rounded up and set loose as a sick, twisted hunting game, all because I feel asleep before making Gideon's dinner. Remembering how my best friend, Chloe, was beaten and killed right in front of me because I spent a little too much time over at her house.

Most painfully of all, remembering the feeling of the burning whip coming down over and over across my stomach and back, leaving a scarred body that nobody could ever bing themselves to love. Over the past six years I have seen things that have harden my heart to the mention of love, and what horrible things come with it.

I felt Malicae's arms constrict around me, as if sencing the bad memories and trying to keep them away. I inhaled his scent, a musky scent with a touch of pine, and kept it locked in my mind. Trying, and wishing so hard that I had stumbled across this pack, instead of Gideon's when I had run away. 

Thinking back, if I hadn't stumbled across Malicae's pack, then maybe I never would have died.


Alrighty so I know im going to have some WTF? SHE DIES?? comments but like I said, this chapter is setting up the kick start of the story. Also I have kinda swiftly decided that I'm going to make this a short story, like ten chapters long maybe. Let me know what you thought!!

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