Chapter One -- Finding You

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Yes ladies and Gents ANOTHER werewolf story by me...and there will probably be many more to come if i have my way

you guys know what to do :D

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"Can-Cant Bre-breathe" I managed to choke out even in the strangers iron-like hold. He simply sneered at me with a hate-full glint in his eye. "Little human, do you even know the tye of big bad wolves that are in this side of the forest? Do you wish to court death?Because belive me you are tempting me so bad, and on this full moon I dont know if I can control myself." I detected a soft english accent, which would make sence i mean we are in england's most haunted wood.

I shived as I heard the danger beneth his words when suddenly a beautiful voice had a message that gave me hope.

"Gavin, put the poor thing down. Can't you hear her heart? If you do anything else you'll give the little girl a heart attack. Anyways this matter isn't your concern, its the alpha's, you know what'll happen if you kill anouther human. What kind of reputation would our pack get? or think about the retaliation of fourious humans. No we will leave this up to Malicae." Unlike the person whose hands were currently around my neck, this voice was all southern.

I didn't get a good look at the women who had probably spared my life for a few moments because as soon as she spoke the man dropped me and air flew back into my lungs, almost painfully, and caused the ground to be my only sight.

"You are right of course Amiela, I am deeply sorry" I watched as the man walked swiftly to the women-Amiela- and attempted to hug her. She dodge his arms and walked towords me with a tender look on her face.

"Poor thing wondering around in Mitroch Forest, what brings a little girl 'round here?" Even though I knew she ment well and she had just saved me from a psycho I still felt a rush of anger. I may be tiny, but I am not a little girl.

"Excuse me, but I am turning 17 in two days, and me being out here in creepy 'ol Mitroch forest dosnt concern you, even if you did save me from certain death." I watched as she chuckled slightly.

"Of course, my dear. If it isnt too much to ask for may I have a name?"


Her face suddenly turned thoughtful, " You wouldn't happen to have been from Gideon's pack, now would you?" She asked as she started walking away. When she realized I wasn't following her she turned and waited. Hesitantly I followed knowing that escape was probably impossible now, but she saved me once. Surely she could keep the rebel's away right? I realized she was still expecting an answer.

"Yeah I am" I whispered, hoping she wouldnt send me back. We went over a hill, and stopped infront of a waterfall. Amiela simply kept walking right through the water and dissapered, and I glanced quickly over my shoulder to see the man-Gavin- standing behind me. I had no choice but to walk into the waterfall, following Amiela's lead. As soon as I stepped through I felt a sence of calm and protection wash over me an I almost belived that I was done with Gideon forever.

Of course that sence of calm went away as a dozen shifters surrounded me and growled. Amiela simply took my arm and glided through them, makeing her way to the, well what I assumed, Alpha's house. We walked in without knocking and made out way to the back of the house.

"This is my brother, the Alpha's study, he spends alot of time in there preparing for the upcoming war." She said, suddenly she turned a faint shade of red. What was the matter? Soon I figured out why she was blushing.

There were noises coming out of the 'study' that made me start to think if he was really preparing for the war. Amiela knocked in the door and it was followed by the sounds of cloths swiftly being put on. The door was flung open and a blonde were practically flew from the door to outside. Amiela turned to me, "Sorry about that, wait here while I have a word with my brother?" Without waiting for my response she turned and slammed the door in my face. I heard some yelling that was reduced to just talking and suddenly Amiela's face popped up again.

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