Chapter - 22

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Taehyung heaved the sigh he had been holding for long when he finally got inside the car.He looked towards his left only to see Jungkook who was sitting beside him, smiling at him.A smile automatically formed on Taehyung's lips seeing his boyfriend smiling so proudly.

He reached out to Jungkook's right hand and intertwined their fingers with his left hand.Jungkook squished their hands together, silently showing that he was there, he was always there for Taehyung !

The ride was silent.The driver was driving the car to Jungkook's home as they've asked him to.Eric, who was seated on the passenger seat, was checking his phone to see the results of Taehyung's sudden confession in the internet.

Meanwhile the young couple just sat silently while holding hands.Being beside each other was just enough for them at the moment.

After making sure that paparazzi wasn't following them, the car took a turn to the direction of Jungkook's home.Actually, Jungkook's parents have invited Taehyung for dinner which is why they headed straight to meet them.Eric left after dropping them off, saying he had to arrange few things for Taehyung's next day schedule.

By now, Taehyung was quite familiar with the elder Jeon couple.Though he didn't have many opportunities to meet them often, still he knew that they adored him.After all, they trusted him with their only son!

Taehyung was confused when he heard noises from the house.Currently, they were waiting for someone to open the door to let them enter.After ringing the bell for five times, they heard some commotion inside.Taehyung frowned deeply in confusion.The Jeon couple would never make such loud noises at home right?Then what it could be?

He looked at Jungkook with a worried frown to ask him if he had another key with him.Taehyung's frown only deepened when he saw Jungkook going through his phone while biting his lower lip, a clear sign of nervousness.


Taehyung's voice made Jungkook look up at him with wide eyes, as if he was caught doing something unforgivable!

"What happened?" Taehyung asked, inching closer to the younger who gulped and shoved his phone inside his pocket hurriedly.

"I-I....ummm....I was just...."

Before Jungkook could complete his sentence, the door slammed open and Taehyung was dragged inside by none other than Park Jimin.Jungkook smiled brightly at the confused state of Taehyung as he followed them.

To say Taehyung was surprised would be an understatement.His mouth was hung open when he saw the living room, decorated beautifully.His wide eyes took in every detail and finally stopped at the people who were smiling at him with adoration.

"You did great, Taehyungie!" All of them shouted altogether while Jungkook stood near him, patting his shoulder gently.A way to convey his unsaid praises for the elder male.

Taehyung's eyes stung with tears because of feeling extremely overwhelmed.But the wide, boxed shaped smile which automatically appeared on his face, made the other's efforts to surprise him more than worth it.

There were everyone whom Taehyung could count on - his hyungs, his boyfriend and his parents!

Taehyung never felt so happy in a long time.But seeing the others making efforts to surprise him just because he stood up for himself all alone, made him feel proud of himself as well.There was always emptiness in his heart even though he was one of the most influential artists out there.

He never really felt that proud of himself, he was never really satisfied with whatever he was doing even when he loved his work.

Today, Taehyung learnt something new.He learnt that standing up for yourself is one of those best feelings one should experience.It does wonders to your soul even if the world turns against you.That still doesn't hurt you much because you did what you should've done long ago!

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