Chapter 1

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Matt's POV

"Matthew i'm heading to work!" My uncle yelled up the stairs. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever man." I said under my breath. We had just got in a fight like 5 minutes ago. I swear he gets mad about the littlest shit. It pisses me off.

"Make sure you make it to school! On time! I don't want your teachers calling me today!" He yelled with a slight attitude. I didn't reply. I just got up and closed my door. His voice was annoying me. I heard the door slam downstairs. I looked out my window and saw him getting in his car and then driving off. Perfect. My plan was to skip school with a couple of my friends. Mason, Mike, Britt, & Trey. I had been hanging out with them ever since I came to L.A a couple months ago. They're cool but I still miss my crew back in Virginia. I swear we would've ran that town if I would've stayed. But my mom 'insisted' I come here. I go to this snobby, rich school. It sucks ass. Its filled with nothing but stuck up people. I'm just happy I met some cool people to chill with while i'm here. I got up and started to get ready for the day. When I finished I waited for my friends to come get me. That's when I got a text from Mason.

"Matt change in plans meet me at school in 15 minutes"

I knew he had came up with some crazy plan that probably wont work. Typical Mason. I shrugged, grabbed my keys, and then walked out my front door, locking it behind me. Before I could get to my car my neighbor, Mrs. Sanders called me. She was a little old lady that my uncle helps out. She smelled like cats and she thinks she knows me so well. I ignored her and continued to walk to my car. I opened the door and was about to get in but stopped when she called me again.

"Matthew I know you hear me!" She yelled with her high pitched voice.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. I turned around and slowly walked over to her house. I so didn't wanna hear the lecture she was about to give me. I didn't have time for it either. When I made it across the street to her house, she gave me a small fake smile and then started with her speech. I sighed as she babbled on about how I need to change. I literally hear that everyday. Its annoying as hell. I looked at my watch and saw that I only had 5 minutes to get to school.

"I would love to stay and listen to you talk about stuff I really don't care about, but I have to get to school." I interrupted her as she started to talk about her son. She laughed and shook her head.

"Ok you can go." She smiled.

I turned around but as I was about to walk away she called me back.

"Oh hey Matthew. My granddaughter is coming to stay with me. She'll be here later."

"Hope she's hot." I blurted out then walked away laughing.

I opened my car door and got in. I started it and let down the the top.

"Don't scare her please! She's a good girl Matthew!" Mrs. Sanders yelled.

I fixed my mirror and put on my shades.

"No promises granny!" I yelled back then pulled off leaving her standing there. Today should be fun.

My Bad Boy : Matthew Espinosa Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now