Chapter 14: Do you want to die?!

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Gyeoul panted heavily, she then pulled out a brass knuckle rings and placed them on her fingers.

"I'm gonna screw you up so bad" Gyeoul's face held a maniac look.

"Is it that hard to say sorry, Gyeoul Han?" [   ] frowned, why is she so stubborn, neitherless the pink headed is getting on her nerve.

[    ]'s body was slowly burning up and she felt pretty light headed at the moment, when was the last time she ate something while training?

Gyeoul suddenly swiped her fist towards her, using the brass knuckle as a knife. She didn't have anything to defense herself other than her bare hands. Cold sweats starting to streaming out from her body. 

[   ] was being kicked backwards by Gyeoul, her body slammed into a trash can near by

"Not so strong now aren't we?" She squaded down in front of the girl who was currently starting to losing her breath.

"You said you're going to kill me if I don't apologize" She smirked. "What are you going to do now?" A sound of [  ] being slapped was heard

" Tell me. What are you going to do now? No one going to save you, ya know" 

The female's eyes then trailed over to the lid from the trash can before. [   ] narrowed her eyes, shotting a glare at Gyeoul

"What-" Gyeoul was cut off by [   ] using the trash can lid smashed into her head, using it as a shield like Steve Roger

The sudden impact made the girl lost her consciousness and laid on the hard ground. A heavy sigh left her lips, throwing away the lid she began to walked away

Stumbled on every step, she breathed harder every second. The girl has reached her limits. As everything became more blurry to her.

She fell into someone arms before losing her conciousness

"There you are" The person spoke, she regconized the owner of the voice, [   ] sighed and closed her eyes, allowing her body to relax.

Taehoon frowned when he saw the injuries on her arms, legs and face

"You're an idiot. I only looking away for a second and you're already in trouble" He nagged while using his hoodie to covered the sleeping girl.

Taehoon picked [   ] up and carried her while walking towards the direction to her house

"You're stupid" He muttered, smiling to himself.


"You refused to eat. You went ape shit until you destroyed half of the kwoon, going outside with only a top and a pair of shorts. Now look, you got yourself a heavy fever and injured" Gen scolded, [  ] who was laying comfortably on her bed puting her lips into a pout.

"Whatever" She scoffed which came after is Gen flicking her on the forehead.

"Hey, quit that attitue. Where did you get that from?" The male pinched her cheek.

"Alright! I'm sorry" She exclaimed, smacking the red headed's hand away. "How did I get home anyway?"

"Taehoon carried you home, you don't remember?

"What? He was here?" Gen nodded, a dumbfounded expression could be seen on her face. The male snorted before taking the dirty bowl and cups outside.

"Get some rest, I'll go buy more medicine for you" With that he left, closing the door behind him, Gen walked towards the kitchen where he found a raven haired male

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