Chapter 34: The tournament [1]

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The next morning, Taehoon walked out from his room feeling a bit light headed. Wondering how the heck did he get home safe.

Rubbing his eyes sleepily he went into the kitchen and saw [ ]'s back.

"[ ]?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes again to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Good morning, Taehoon." The girl turned her head around and smiled. Taehoon walked towards her as he wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her from behind.

Resting his head on her shoulder, inhaling her soft scent. [ ] chuckled softly, reaching out her hand to pat his hair gently.

"Let me guess, feeling light headed?" She asked, Taehoon hummed back softly as a response.

"Go brush your teeth and wash your face. Breakfast is almost done." She said, Taehoon let her go and walked away to the bathroom.

A moment later, he returned to see [ ] placing a steaming hot bowl onto the table.

"Come eat, I made Congee" Taehoon sat down and began to eat, he hummed in delight because of the taste of the food. Seeing him enjoying the food,she smiled happily and sat down across from him.

"Why aren't you eating?" He asked, accepting a glass of water from her.

"I'm already ate." She replied.

"Good morning, lovebirds" Mr Hansoo entered the kitchen with a warm smile

"I smell something really delicious in the kitchen."

"Good morning dad." Taehoon muttered.

"I made Congee, would you like some?" [ ] said and got up to pour some for the man. The man made a small 'oh' before sitting down beside his son.

"It's been a while since I have Congee." Mr Hansoo spoke and ate the food

"Wow! This is delicious, you're a lucky man Taehoon!" The man laughed, slapping his son's back.

"S-Stop it" Taehoon angrily blushed as he bit his spoon.

The two of them on their way to the office at 10AM.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm good." He said, holding her hand gently. They entered the house to see everyone was still asleep. She saw Gaeul was snuggled into Gen's chest which she found pretty cute.

"Maybe we came here too early?" She asked

"It's already 10." Taehoon said while checking his watch.

"Hi [ ], Taehoon." Hobin walked in and greeted the two.

"Hi Hobin." The girl waved, the boy looked inside and saw his friends were still sleeping.

"Should we wake them? I'm kinda hungry though." Hobin asked

"Me and Taehoon will wake them. Can you go and get these for me? I'll cook" [ ] said, taking a piece of paper and a pen to write on it. She then handed it to Hobin

"Sure thing." The male smiled, taking the paper from her and headed out.

"You take care of the girls, leave the rest to me." Taehoon said and she nodded. He made his way towards Gen, kicking the red haired gently.

"Wake up." He called, Gen scrunched up his face and slowly opened his eyes. Sitting up.

"I'm up...I'm up." He yawned, with his eyes barely open as he making his way towards the bathroom.

"Gaeul, Rumi." [ ] called softly, shaking the two girls awake. "Wake up."

"[ ]?" Rumi yawned, slowly sitting up and stretched her back. Gaeul did a big yawn then flopped back down and snored.

𝕄𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 - Taehoon Seong x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now