Chapter 25:

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After 3 weeks of bootcamp, i became very skinny before i was 115 lbs. now im 82 i cannot beleive i lost so much. "Brooke are you okay" nick asks, "yah just nothing" i say, "brooke you look anorxectic" he says, i look at him and start ro cry, "brooke" he says, pulling me into a hug. "I had too loose weight or they wouldnt le me stay" i say sobbing into his shoulder. "Brooke but like 40 lbs. you need to eat" he says, "i know" i say, ive had a long month of bootcamp, tommarrow we leave. "Brooke your okay, but i want you too become atleast 95 lbs." nick says, i nodd and wipe away my tears, this trip and experience defiently improved my dancing.

HOME: We pull up too ALDC and see cars, and moms dads sisters and brothers jumping and down too see us. "Were home" paige yells. Everyone else jumps up and down. The doors fly open and kids burst out of the doors running to there siblings. "MOM!" Paige and i yell, "josh DaD!" I scream. They hug me so tight, "are you k" josh whispers , "yah ill text you" i say. "Brookie" my dad says hugging me tight. 15 minutes after talking and socializing, i grab my bags and we drive home. When we get home i grab my dog tight and rub its tummie. "Ive missed you" i say, shes like my sister.

My birthday is coming soon, its August 3rd, im sooo excited (totally fake just need somthing to write about)


I wake up, im exhusted. I recieve a text from nick, _hey sence your bday is in 2 days what r yah gonna do_ he asks, _idk havent thought that far, mom hasnt brought anthing up_ i write back, _k_ he says.

I put on denium shorts, and a pink strapless top with a white coverup. I head downstiars, "hey mom what am i doing dor my bday" i ask, "idk i think we really dont have time for a party this year" she says, "oh ok" i say dissapointed. I walk outside and walk my dog, to the park. I swing on the swing and watch her run in the air. We head back, and i run into brandon walking with his two dogs, "hey brooke" he says, "hi" i say, "did yah like bootcamp" he asks, "yah gtg i gotta get home" i say, "ok text me honey" he says, i whisper underneath my breath "ass" , "bye" i say, i walk past him and he slaps my butt, i trun around and give him an evil look.

August 3rd:

Today is my birthday, im 15! I put on a strapless orange shirt, a blue coverup and dark jean shorts, i put my hair in a ponytail and walk downstairs. "Happy Birthday Brooke" my mom says, i sit at the bar, and she puts a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me with whip cream, "thanks" i say. Ive gained only 2 lbs, i need to or nick will be mad. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO YOU, YOU LIVE IN A ZOO, YOU LOOK LIKE A MONKEY, AND YAH SMELL LIKE ONE TWO" paige and josh yell. "Thanks" i say. "Present time" mom says, as i set my dishes in the sink. "Aww thanks" i say. Everyone takes a seat on the coach. "Brooke for you my love" my dad says, i open it and its noooooo way! "A $250.00 gift card to Hollsiter, and an $100.00 to forver 21" i yell i run and give him a huge hug. I sit back down and open the one from josh and paige, "here yah go" paige says, i open it and i get, "ahh this is amazing" i say abserving the blue cut sleeve short dress, with black lace on the top. "Wow" i say, "this is amazing" i say. "Thankyou" i say hugging them. "Heres from me" my mom says handing me a huge box, "thankyou" i say. I open it up and theres another box, and another, and another, and another, and another until 8 boxes through i reach one last box, "AHHHHH," i yell, its a kay jewlers diamond necklace. "OMG" i say, "thankyou" i say hugging her. "Now one last one" she says handing me a box. "A new bathing suit noooo way" i say, i look at a navy blue bikini with a golden hook in the middle and it has gold loops and chains all over. "Wow i love it" i say. I hug all of them and say thankyou. I walk upstairs and try on the dress its amazing. I still havent recieved a text from nic, or anyone. I call him and he dosent answer. I call practically everyone feom the studio and no one answers. "Hey brooke do you mind walking this too the postoffice and then getting one gallon of milk from the store" my mom asks, i cannot beleive shes making me do this its my birthday not cool. "Sure then im gonna stop at the mall and get some new shoes, and a new romper" i say, "okay text me when your on your way home, oh and maybe nick can go with you" my mom says, "hes outside" she says, i smile and put on sandels.

"Hi brookie happy brithday" he says kissing me and hugging me. We start walking. 1 hour later we arrive at the post office and then head to the mall.

At forvever 21 i get a white and orange romper, and a pair of black pumps with a tan liner in the inside. "Hey brooke i gotta go" nick says, "okay see yah around" i say. Thats weird. 'Luv you" he says, "luv yah" i say.


" tables over there, food on that one, presents, and make sure the pool is warm" i say, the people scramble around and place everything everywhere.


Chloe, maddie, nia, kendall, kenzie, clara, nick, aurial, claudia, elen, kiara, payton, brandon, john, giana, rhyeligh, tyler, ethan, mickey, thomas, and a bunch of ALDC seniors. I cannot wait for the party, we are gonna have a huge pool party at my house, with a dance floor outside, and a huge ticki bar. I cannot beleive brooke fell for that. Nick arrives and helps out. We put together the ticki bar its amazing, then we ste out a bunch of lawn shairs, around the ingorund pool, we set yp tables, and the chocolate fountain. Then everyone starts to arrive everyone has on there bathing suits.

BROOKES POV: I grab milk and head home, 45 minutes later i walk onto the porch. A note is on the door. ~brooke were going out for dinner, put on a bathingsuit with somthing over cause were gonna go to the communtiy pool~ . I wal upstairs, and put on my new bathing suit, and my romper over top. Then i curl my hair, and put on sandels. _were are you_ i text paige. _hold one ill be right there_ she replys. I sit on my bed and wait for her.

"Come on lets go get mom shes outside" paige says, she grabs my arm and walks me outside. "One last present close your eyes" she says, i put my hands over my eyes, and walk outside. "SURPRISE" everyone yells, i remove my hands and everyone and i mean everyone is there. "OMG' i say, "oh and heres your present" paige says, everyone hugs me and then i walk over to a gigantic box. I un wrap the paper and openthe box, i havent seen nick i wish he was here. I open the box and "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" nick yells, he pops out of the box and kisses me. "Oh nick" i say, i hugg him. "Well lets get her in" paige screams. I walk over to the punch table and hug my mom. I take off my romper and sandels then i talk to a dew friends.

Then Nick, john, josh, brandon, tyler, and thomas come and swoop me off my feet."let me down" i say, "no no no hyland" nick says, they walk over to the pool and walk in with me in there arms. Then they throw me in. "Ahhh" i yell. "Party time" paige yells and soo the party starts.

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