I wish I could take all your scars
All your pain and throwing it into deep waters
I wish I could heal your marks
That I could gather all of your broken piece
And put it back together
So beautifuly that you
Would believe in a new start
Believe that your scars made you grown
And most importantly
Believe that
All the human being are not the same
There is good people
Not everyone will treat you like you have been treated before
Not everyone just want you heart to break it
Not everyone play you
There is people who genuiely care about you
Who care about how you feel
Who are worried about your health, your feelings
People who want to bring up the best out of you
People who genuiely love you
People who will never leave you
Please believe me when I say this
I am part of these people
I'm not saying I'm perfect
I'm most certainly not
But I care for you
More that you could imagine