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It was a bright sunny Sunday in Moralton when Orel was awakened by birds chirping outside, he slowly got out of bed, walked up to his window, and opened it.

-Shut up birds! Can't you see I'm sad? - he screamed waving his fist at the tree in the backyard before shutting his window angrily.

He was walking back to his bed when his mom called out for breakfast.

-Great... - Orel sighed.

Orel made his way downstairs as unhurriedly as possible, by the time he had gotten to the kitchen Shapey had already finished his pancakes as well as Orel's. His mom was cleaning the floor like usual when she said without turning her head:

-Sorry Orel, you know how Shapey is, you gotta come quicker when I call for you. -Bloberta said just mildly annoyed.

-Uhum... - Orel mumbled.

At that moment his dad showed up from the other room, already holding a cup with something probably whisky since it was already 8:30 AM.

-Now son, I hope you remember what we talked about yesterday, now go get ready for church! - he said before going back to his study.

-How could I forget... - Orel muttered to himself before making his way back upstairs.

He laid in bed looking at his bible action figures on the ground, all he could think about was Bartholomew and how he had been taken from him just the day before.
He thought about it for some time, but right before a tear could run out of his eyes his dad called out to him:

-OREL! What did I tell you to do? We're waiting! - Clay shouted before making his way out of the door to his car.

-Coming! - Orel answered before jumping out of bed and getting into his good Sunday suit.

He promptly went down the stairs and entered the car still with a grim expression on his face, Bloberta noticed this before turning on the radio to Godgasm which usually made Orel hum along, but he didn't even flinch, he kept looking out the window as if waiting to go back home, even with Shapey kicking and annoying him, Orel did not move.
When they got to the church reverend Putty was waiting for everyone at the entrance welcoming them into the house of God as usual.

-Good Morning Berta, morning Clay, hey Orel!

But Orel didn't acknowledge him and went inside sitting before everyone else, Putty noticed this, he had a suspicion of what it was but didn't say anything and went to give his sermon.

-We are all gathered here in the house of God to talk about one thing today and it is faith...

Putty said as he looked at Orel, still with his head pointing down.

-...when you have faith, God will be there for you but when you start doubting God, ohohoh. You're on your own buddy, you know doubt, when you sleep with a woman and wake up next to her the next day and she says how she never felt like that. But of course, I wouldn't know what that is as a- a single man, and one of God in fact.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is there are certain things that as much as we want to question we will never get an answer to, but we have to keep our faith as it is what guides us through this world. It's our floater in this deep dark scary ocean... Anyways, heh that's it Amen.

As everyone was leaving the church Doughy stopped Orel at the entrance.

-Hey Orel! I was thinking of going to see the grass grow in my parent's front yard, wanna come?

-Sorry Doughy, I just wanna go home right now, I haven't been feeling too well.

-Oh well, what is it, Orel? You know you can count on me to help.

Moral Orel: Doubt [One-shot]Where stories live. Discover now