33) The Traitor!

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Song dedicated to this chapter - Enemy by imagine dragons!

Song dedicated to this chapter - Enemy by imagine dragons!

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On The day of Engagement!

20 mins after Rehmaat left the Jal Mahal.

"Baba Sa, I am so sorry my mother and her evil plan took Dada Hukum's life years ago. I am sorry, but I accidentally heard her talking to someone just after the ring ceremony was done, that how they will make history repeat self. That how they will kill the new King just like they killed the previous king,on the same date." Viraj's face showed Many emotions but guilt and disgust were the most prominent ones.

"No, Viraj it's not your fault, you didn't even knew anything about it. I had my share of doubts but I didn't had solid proof, now that you know about this truth. I think you deserve to know about the other bitter truth of your life." Rana Sa sympathetically patted his shoulder.

"What, what truth are you talking about ?" Viraj's face turned cold.

" Your father, his death was not natural, he was stabbed in stomach and in the back brutally. The weapon was most probably a dagger or something but unfortunately it was never found. And the one who planned this also planned my Baba Sa's death. As during his postmortem it was revealed that it was the car accident that took his life, but before that he was attacked by someone and the dagger used on Baba Sa and your father was same. So it means...." Rana Sa halted inbetween not completing his sentence.

"I can't do anything for my Baba and your Baba now. But we can still save the one who is present with us." Viraj breaked the silence in a cold voice.

"What do you mean ?" Rana Sa Asked.

"They are planning to kill Hukum Sa as he is the rightful King. They have formed a plan to kill him today as soon as he goes to his chambers, as Maa is holding the Authority of being Groom's mother, no one from your security questioned her when she invited her "special guests" inside. And as no one goes to Hukum's chambers so as soon as he went outside his floor, she keenly told her men the spot to hide." Viraj revealed and took a pause before continuing.

"And most of our guards are present here, so it's not safe in the palace at all. We ourselves have to go Baba Sa, right now, before something bad happens. I have already called my special guards to accompany us." Viraj completed his sentence.

"You are right Viraj I will call Bhanu to come along. He will be our backup support along with his trained men." Rana Sa took out his phone to call while walking along with Viraj, out of the Jal Mahal to the car parked in the parking lot.

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