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Hey guys!
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for all the wrong spellings in this Book!
Very many of you have asked why Harry sometimes is called Trevor and Eddie is sometimes called William... Well I bet you know that these things are misspellings of course, at least I hope so... But the reason WHY this book has these mistakes is because:
When I started writing this book, my idea was to let the main male character (who Harry Styles played) be named "Trevor" and the kid to be named "William". But then I realized that it would be better and get more readers if the main male character was named "Harry". So I sat by my computer until late at night to change all the "Trevor" to "Harry" instead.
And when the kid came Into the book, there was a hella much going on in my head so basically it's the same story for why there's so many misspellings to "Eddie" (which name was "William" before) the only thing that's different from that is that in the book it says that Evelyn wanted to name her and Harry's child after Harry, and that's why I couldn't keep the name "William" on Eddie... because then I would get comments because that "Harry's middlename isn't William!" And that's why I changed...
I'm so sorry, once again!
Thanks for the +4k reads :D it means so freaking much to meeeee!
Love you all♡

Fallen Angel (Harry Styles Fanfic) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now