Chapter 23

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Just when Adam was about to choke me to death, my hero came. Harry grabbed Adam by the neck and slammed him to the ground.

Harry: Don’t you dare to touch her EVER again!

Adam: Oh, so she hasn’t told you? Haha, we fucked Harry! Yeah, she enjoyed it so much!

I knew what Adam was doing. He was trying to turn Harry against me. And right now I needed Harry. I’d always need Harry. And I basically told Harry when Adam called later today, that I and Adam had slept.

I just stood there with my hands on my mouth, trying not to scream. Harry stopped for a second before punching Adam in the face. But Harry wasn’t fast enough for Adam, well he was an full grown angel… Adam sort of teleported himself behind me and got a grip with his arm around my neck. I started to grasp for air and tried to get his arm away from me. Harry fast realized that I was almost unconcusious already and quickly got Adam off me. I felt a sharp pain above my waist. I looked down at where it hurt and saw blood pouring out from a wound. Harry locked eyes with me and I screamed “help me!” with my eyes. Harry quickly kicked Adam hard in his crotch and then hit his head with a metal fist. Adam just laid on the floor, unconcusious. Just when I was about to collapse on the floor, Harry catched me before I hit the ground. It was getting harder to breath and I was getting weaker because of the blood loss. Harry saw where the blood was coming from and put his hands there to have some sort of pressure on the wound.

Harry: Oh no! Evelyn, stay with me! Look, I’m going to give you my life! Do you hear me? You’re going to be alright!

I slightly shook my head at his words and I could feel how he desperately was trying to get the wound to stop bleeding. I laid my hands over his to get him to stop.

Evelyn: Harry, it’s ok. Let me go, please.

Harry: No Evelyn! Don’t give up, baby please!

I saw how the tears were running fast down his cheeks as he took a few strands of my hair away from my face.

Suddenly a strong light filled the room and we heard a loud and thick voice speak.

An angel: Harry, you have now maid a couple of mistakes. But you’ve also had made people forgive you for it. You’re now ready to come in to heaven. You’re an angel now.

Harry: I’m not leaving Evelyn!

An angel: She’s soon on our side too, Harry. You can’t do anything to save her.

Evelyn: Listen to them, I’m going to be fine…

I could barely speak, and my words only came out as whisperers. Harry bent down and kissed me softly on the lips.

Harry: You should know that I love you, and even when I’m gone I’ll always be by your side… But I have no other choice than to go…

Evelyn: I know, and I’ll always love you. Don’t worry about me, I’m going to be all right…I’ll see you soon…

Harry laid me on the cold floor and gave me one last kiss. He hesitated before he went into the light. Adam’s body also disappeared and I was left alone.

Waiting to die.

Fallen Angel (Harry Styles Fanfic) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now