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3erd Pov: The students at Beacon were scared about the threat that has been growing quickly. Some students and teachers wished they could all just go back to fighting Grimm. At least then they stood a chance. But not with these new enemies. They knew little to nothing about them, and compared to the Beacon students these enemies are no strangers to killing other people. While on the other hand, the students trained mostly just to kill Grimm. 

Teams RWBY and JNPR were walking around trying to come up with a way they could help. They wanted to go out and save people and be the heroes they came to this school to be. Weiss was worried about her sister because she hasn't contacted her at all these past couple of days. On top of that, all the news coming from Atlas had suddenly stopped and some students feared for the worts.

Suddenly while the two teams were walking they saw a few Atlas bullheads land and many of them looked badly damaged. The teams ran over to them and when they got closer and the people inside stepped out the two teams gasped in horror. What they saw was straight out of their nightmares. Soldiers were injured, some even were missing limbs or even dead. That's when the students saw Iron Wood step out and even he looked like a mess. The two teams ran up to the General. 

Ruby: Mr. Iron Wood what happened?

By now other students started to come over even the school's headmaster.

Iron Wood: Atlas was attacked.

Students: Gasped!

Ozpin: And what happened?

Iron Wood: We were overrun in less than an hour. I lost so many men and ships. 

Blake: So what does that mean?

Iron Wood: The city of Atlas has fallen to our enemy. This is all that remains of us.

Weiss after hearing the news and not seeing her sister or family ran up to the General. 

Weiss: Do you know where my sister is?!

Iron Wood: I'm afraid I don't. I lost contact with her during the fight. 

Random Soldier: I saw her being dragged away by those big sister-looking things. 

Weiss: Then we have to go help her!

Iron Wood: There's nothing I or anyone else can do. 

Weiss: What about the big sister here in Vale she can help, she knows how to fight better than anyone of us. She can get my sister back and help us win. 

Blake: Weiss she already told us she wasn't getting involved with this war. 


And with that Weiss ran off with the two teams running after her.

Ebony's Pov: 

While everything was unfolding outside Neo and my little one and I were just relaxing in our hotel room that at this point became our home. Neo had her head leaning on my shoulder resting while my little one sat on my lap watching his favorite show.  But while we were relaxing I heard a knock on the door. So I got up and walked over to it and when I opened it I was greeted by a girl I didn't recognize. 

Girl: Hello it's lovely to finally meet you in person

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Girl: Hello it's lovely to finally meet you in person. 

Me: And who are you?

Girl: You don't remember me?

Me: Not really, should I?

Girl: I might be due to all my changes, but it's me Red Eye.

When I heard the name Red Eye I was shocked. The last time I heard about her was back in Rapture and there were rumors going around that she died.

Red Eye: Can I come in?

Me: Sure.

After Red Eye came in I introduced her to Neo and my little one, and after that, we started talking. I found out she is the new leader of Rapture and she's been leading the attacks here on this world and even managed to take over Atlas. Honestly, I wasn't surprised they were not really well-trained soldiers going up against stone-cold killers. 

Me: That's all pretty impressive everything that you've done. 

Red Eye: Yeah.....But on to why I'm here.

Me: I had a feeling you weren't only here to chat.

Red Eye: Hehe you know me so well. I'm here because I want to make a deal with you.

Me: What kind of deal?

Red Eye: The deal would be you and your little one staying out of this fight and I can give you my word that you both will not be harmed or attacked in any way. You would be allowed to do as you please, go wherever you please. Hell, you can even go home and come back here as much as you like.

Me: And all I have to do is stay out of this fight? 

Red Eye: Yes, and it shouldn't be too hard. I mean your already doing it.

I looked at Neo and my little one.

Me: Could I add two more things to this deal of ours?

Eye Red: Of course.

Me: I would like to add Neo here and her father figure Roman Torchwick to the list of people that will not be harmed.

Eye Red: I don't see why I can't. Two people aren't going to make a difference with how many people are in this world, and don't worry I already know who Roman Trochwick is.

Me: Then we have a deal.

Eye Red: Great! I'll see you when this war is over.

And with that Red Eye left and I looked at Neo. 

Me: Neo text Roman to meet us here.

Neo: "Alright, and thank you for saving me and Roman."

Me: You're welcome. 

While we talked and hung out more I heard a loud knock on my door. So I got up and opened it to see teams RWBY and JNPR.


Me: No. 

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