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Chapter 32: (your pov)

As I continued to look outside the carriage, ignoring my so-called husband's presence, a sudden clap of thunder startled me. My gaze shifted towards the shore, where the lightning struck the sea.

Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed King Min Yoongi's hand for support. However, instead of offering comfort, he responded with rudeness.

King MYG: What do you think you're doing?

I was taken aback by his harsh tone.

Y/N: I-I just got startled by the thunder.

King MYG: Well, keep your hands to yourself. I'm not your personal bodyguard.

His words stung, and I withdrew my hand, feeling hurt by his callousness.

Y/N: I-I didn't mean to...

But before I could finish my sentence, he cut me off.

King MYG: Just stay in your own space and leave me alone.

His coldness pierced through me, leaving me feeling even more isolated in the midst of the storm.

As I mumbled to myself, trying to calm my nerves, King Min Yoongi's irritation grew evident.

King MYG: What are you muttering about now?

His tone was sharp, his patience wearing thin. I started mumbling things.

Y/N: Just trying to calm myself down...

But my attempt to explain only seemed to fuel his annoyance.

King MYG: Well, do it quietly. Your constant mumbling is irritating.

His rudeness sparked something within me, and I couldn't help but respond with a touch of sarcasm.

Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry, Your Highness. I didn't realize my breathing was disturbing your royal tranquility.

My retort caught him off guard, momentarily silencing him as I refused to let his rudeness go unchallenged.

King MYG: Well, perhaps you should learn to realize what's appropriate and what's not. Your constant neediness is beyond irritating.

Y/N: At least my 'constant neediness' is better than your constant rudeness. Maybe you should try being a decent human being for once.

My response was laced with defiance, a silent challenge to his arrogance.

King MYG: Well, perhaps you should learn to control yourself like a proper royal instead of acting like a petulant child.

His words were cutting, his gaze icy as he delivered his savage reply. But I refused to back down.

Y/N: Funny, I thought being a petulant child was your specialty, Your Majesty.

King MYG: You talk a big game, but you're nothing but a pawn in this royal charade. Don't mistake your temporary position for real power. Don't you think so you should watch your tongue next time, or it can cause you anything, that you could ever imagine.

His words pierced through me, leaving me speechless as I struggled to find a comeback. His dismissive attitude stripped away any semblance of confidence I had mustered, leaving me feeling vulnerable and exposed.

It's been half an hour, and he's been continuously staring at me with those sharp eyes, making me feel increasingly uncomfortable. So, I decide to warn him.

 So, I decide to warn him

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