chapter 7

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After the shower you both dress up and went to your room

Chifuyu finally join you too and he brought some of his Shojo with him so now you were all on your bed reading them

Shojo weren't really your things you're more into shonen and seinen so once you finished the first manga you didn't felt like reading another one

Instade you just place your head on Baji's thighs and stare at his face
Of course Baji put his manga aside and stare back at you

"Hi" you whispered
"Hello" he answered whispering too as he bopped your nose with his finger

"Ok are you two a things?" Chifuyu asked as he saw the whole scene

You look at Chifuyu then Baji
"Nah we're friends" Baji answered

Chifuyu nod and went back to his manga "You guys are acting so suspicious tho"
You laugh and turn on your side so now your face was facing Baji's stomac

Baji's hand went in your hair and play with it as you wrapp your arms around his waist
"Bruh that's probably not comfortable for you" Baji said with a blank face as he lift you up making you sit on his laps

He then grab your arms and wrap them around himself
"Now that must be more comfortable"

You hummed and lean your head on his shoulder

With his neck infront of you ,you couldn't stop yourself from kissing it
Baji's face immediatly went red but he just acted like you didn't do anything

You continue to give him soft kisses on his neck as he was pinching your waist trying to make you stop

Of course it didn't made you stop instade you bite him
you pulled off laughing

Chifuyu looked up from his book and just stare at the both of you with a 😏 face

"If you want I can leave so you two can have fun~"
Chifuyu sang
You and Baji turn to look at him with red faces


"Nah,I ship you both together now,are you sure you two are not a thing?"
Chifuyu asked again
"Yeah we're sure dipshit"
Chifuyu smirk "well you'll be soon!"
You grab a pillow and threw it a Chifuyu

In the end you all did a pillow fight

After some time they went back home
And you were alone again
It was currently 7PM
And surprisingly you heard your door open

You silently grab your basball bat and walk out of your room

Your face went blank when you saw your mom
"Oh. Hi" you said going back to your room
"Y/n wait"

"Yes?" You answered as you  stop walking
"Do you want to go eat with me? I finished my work earlier to spend time with you"
You sighed and turn around to look at her

"Let's go to a restaurant that'll be nice!" She said excited

"Sure.." you said not really caring
You put on a jacket and shes on and you both left the house

You both got in the car and went to the restaurant

You open the door for her and she walked in
You both sat down at a table and grab the menu

The waiter came and ask what you wanted

You both told him what you wanted and he walked away
"So,Y/n how's school?"

"Since when you care?" Her eyes widen
"Don't talk to me like that young man"

"Oh come on stop acting like a real mother all you care about is your stupid job and yourself! Come on don't be ridiculous,act like your true self,just because we're in public or you're in a good mood doesn't mean you have to stop being a bitch to me"

She looked offended "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"No what is wrong with YOU?!"

"Y/N STOP,we're having a great moment in family now."
You frown

"You know what? I'm leaving,stop acting like you care every once in a year I don't know whar's going on in that brain of yours but I don't want you to act like you love me when you don't just so you can feel better about yourself."

You got up and left the restaurant you could hear your mom screaming at you but you ignor it and continue your way back home

You grab your phone and called Baji
"Hey Y/n What's up?"

"My mom did that weird shit again,I don't want her to bother me tonight can I sleep at your place please?"

"Oh huh sure! When are you coming?"

"In 20 minutes or 30?" You said while looking at the time

"Okay just come in and tell my mom I invite you ok?"

"Okay thank you"

"Of course" you hang up and start walking faster

Once you were here you went to your house first to grab some clothes and your bag for school

You walked infront of Baji's door and knock
His mom opened and you told him that he invites you

She smile and pat your head telling you to go to his room

You open the door of his room walk in and close it back behind you
Without any more thought you jumped on him and hugged him as tight as you could

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

You didn't answered instade you grab his face and kiss him slipping your tongue in his mouth starting a makeout session

You both fought for dominance and you won
Gently you made him fell on the bed as you got above him

He moaned in the kiss as your hands travel under his shirt

You pulled away to breath but quickly you pulled him back in a kiss
But he push you away
"Y/n wait"
You tried to kisd him again but he place his hand on your pec pushing you away again "Wait"

"What?" You asked confused 
"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah of course why?"
Baji place his hand on your cheek and stroke it gently "Are you sure? Your mom didn't made you sad or mad?"

"Well,she pissed me off but you're here now,I'm feeling better."
He smirk and kissed you


"What are we?" You bite your lower lips "I don't know?"

End of this chapter♡

I hope you liked it <3

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