Chapter 11

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After that laughing session Baji and you went in his livingroom to watch a movie

Baji had an arm wrapp around you as you were leaning against him

"That girl really is stupid huh" you said
You looked at him and kissed his cheek
He looked back at you and grab your chin kissing your lips passionatly

"I love you" you said in a whisper
He kissed you again then whispered back "I love you too"

You both smiled and look back at the TV

After a while Baji's mom came back
Baji let go of you and move a bit away from you
You frown wondering what he was doing

But then it hit you
He's probably not out to his mom so she doesn't know your togethers

"Hi boys,Y/n do you feel better?"
She asked patting your head
"Yes I am,thank you for letting Baji take care of me"
She smiled "I'm glad he didn't caused trouble instade" she said laughing
"MOOOOM I don't do trouble!"
She stare at him with a blank face "Yes you do"
He groan as his mom went to the kitchen

"Baji,does she know we're together?" You asked in a whisper
"No sorry" he said looking down

You grab his hand "don't be sorry that's fine"
He hum and pull his hand back

"Maybe I should go back home" you say getting up from the couch "but we didn't finish the movie..?"
You smile "Yeaaah Chifuyu sent me the homework by message,I'll go do them"

"Oh,can't we do them together so you can help me?"
You sighed
He turn the TV off and you went to his room
You took your book and notebook out and put them on the bed
You grab a pen and then start to do the exercices
Baji stare at you "are you ok?"

"Yeah,do you need help?" You asked
"Ah,not for now don't worry I'm doing great" you smile "Great! I'm proud"
Baji's heart start beating faster as his cheeks got a bit pink "Thank you"

"Why?" You asked "I don't know,I just liked that praise.."
You raise an eyebrow with a smirk "You like being praised?"
He looked somewhere else nodding
His blushed deepen "Stop"
"Hehe,come on don't be all shy I already gave you a blowjob"
His whole face was red as he stare back at you

"Now let's finish our homework"
He nod "Oh and since you didn't went to school today,I want you to be there on time tomorrow,so don't be late"

"Or what?"
"There is no ''or what'' your going on time that's all,If you don't I'll make you"
You sigh "Ok I'll try.."

"Ah,I need help here" he said pointing at a question

-After doing homework-

"I'm going back home now Baji ok?" He wrapp his arms around your waist and kissed your lips "I don't want you to leave"

"Yeaah,but I want to take a shower" you said as he kissed you again
"You can take one here" He mumble as he tighten his grip on you
"Why are youso clingy suddendly?"

"I just want to stay with you for a longer time" you hum
"Well if you want you can come with me to the shower?"
"I would like that"

You both went to his bathroom and lock the door
He took his shirt off and you did the same along with your pants and boxer
You stepped under the shower and you look at Baji waiting for him
After he took off all of his clothes he went behind you holding your waist

"What are you doing?"
You asked as he place his lips against your neck
"I didn't return the favor last time"
You took his hands off of your waist and turn to look at him "but I told you,you didn't had to"
He grab your hand and kissed the back of it "But then I said I wanted to"

"Your mom is here,if you really want we can go to my place after the shower"
"Sound good to me"

-After the shower-

"Moooom" Baji yelled going to the livingroom
"Yes?" She asked
"I'm going to Y/n's place with him,we'll finish the homework at his place he forgot a book in his room"
She agreed then you both went to your house

After you were both in your room you locked the door and sat on your bed
Baji was infront of you but he wouldn't move

"So what now?" You asked with a smirk
"I don't know..what do would you like me to do?"
"Anything you want"
He hum but still didn't move

"Are you nervous?" He nod

"Damn you were so much more confident in your shower"
He hum "Yeah I don't know what happend.."
You smile and grab him by the waist hugging him "That's okay if you don't feel like it now"

"No no no! I want to,I just don't know how do it,I feel like I'll make a fool of myself"
You laugh and place one of your hand on his ass gropping him
He tense up but didn't say anything

"Just try don't worry,everything will be alright"
He nod and got on his knees infront of you
Your legs were already opened

He hold his breath as he unbuckle your belt
You place your hand on his cheek
"Come on relax you're doing great,oh and if you want to stop just stop ok? Don't force yourself"
He nod
"Okay,thank you"

End of this chapter I hope you liked it <3

Baji Keisuke x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now