Ch 1. Surrender

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Sequel to: Choosing A Better Path

(Technically Has Character Death, But It's Not As Tragic As You May Think)


Izuku walked into his room, he was back living with his Mom and he missed it. However he missed his Dad too, he missed the hugs and the breakfasts, and everything. He missed the other half of his family, he wished there was a way for him to have both. He placed his backpack on the bed, sat down, and sighed sadly.

'How are you feeling Izuku?' Yoichi asked gently and he just sighed.

'I'm alright, Uncle Yoichi.' Izuku replied softly, before laying in the bed and cuddling the pillow...imagine it being

'Kiddo, we can tell you're struggling, why not come inside the void for a bit and we can just hang out a little?' Daigorou offered and Izuku contemplated for a moment, before closing his eyes and allowing his mind to drift into the familiar void.

As soon as he entered the void, he felt Yoichi's arms wrap him up in a hug. He just clung to his Uncle, letting himself cry for a bit. The other One For All users crowded around him protectively, keeping enough distance so as not to overwhelm him. He was grateful for their care, knowing they loved him just as much as he did them.

"Hey Izuku, are you going to keep your hair white?" En asked and Izuku blinked, he had forgotten about that, but then again he was happy it was still white. It reminded him of his Dad, it was something he had to match, despite not being biologically related to them at all.

"I...I think I'll keep it like this, it reminds me of Dad." Izuku said with a small smile." Plus I look like a curly-haired version of Uncle Yoichi!"

Yoichi just chuckled slightly, ruffling his hair and Izuku just batted their hand away. He was still sad and probably wouldn't be truly happy for a little bit, but at least he was coping better now.

"I think it looks wonderful on you, brat," Moeta said, giving a small smirk and Izuku just rolled his eyes in mild amusement.

"That's cause you like imagining me as you and Yoichi's kid!" Izuku accused and Moeta just spluttered, their face turning a bright scarlet red as Yoichi and Sokka turned to them with a raised eyebrow.

"Is that true, Mo-kun?" Yoichi questioned, looking somewhere between serious and amused by Izuku's statement.

Moeta looked mortified and Izuku was beginning to feel guilty for putting them into the spotlight as he had. He turned and made his way to the other One For All users, letting Yoichi and Moeta talk to each other for a bit.

He had to get to UA anyhow, he could talk with his family later.


Izuku walked into class, immediately being pulled to the side by Aizawa.

"Midoriya, there is a situation that has been brought to the staff's attention and we need to talk to you about it," Aizawa stated, making Izuku frown in mild confusion at what could possibly have happened for them to need to talk to him.

"W-What happened?" Izuku asked, cursing his stutter for a moment and Aizawa sighed, before responding.

"Twelve hours ago, All For One turned themselves into the police and Heroes custody," Aizawa stated and Izuku just stared, completely floored by those words. He shook his head, not understanding. Why would his Dad turn themselves in, why hadn't they done it when he had been returned?

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