Ch 2. Last Visit

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Izuku walked through Tartarus prison on his way to the visitation centre to see his Dad for the first time since his de-aging incident an he was nervous, he still hadn't found a way to get them off Death Row and it made him want to scream in frustration. He wished All Might could have seen things from his point of view, but they just couldn't see past his Dad's involvement with Nana's death as well as several other crimes.

He approached the door to the room he would see his Dad in, the guard just giving him a neutral expression. Izuku gave them the reason he was there and his information, before getting the go ahead to enter.

"You will have ten minutes, try and make them count kid." The guard stated sympathetically as they opened the door and let him enter. As soon as he spotted his Dad he ran up to them and engulfed them in a tight hug, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Shiro's eyes widened in shock at the sudden affection, before they wrapped their arms around him as well as they could with the chains on their arms and legs. Izuku clung to them almost desperately, wondering why his life always seemed to try and screw him over.

"I missed you Dad, but why did you turn yourself in?" Izuku asked as he pulled back from the hug and gave his Dad a sad yet curious expression.

"Izuku, you know I am not a good person, but I couldn't just go back to how thing were and I couldn't follow through on my plans knowing you would suffer for them." Shiro admitted softly with a soft tone.

He just stared at his dad in surprise and wiped his tears away, trying not to break down at those words from his Dad.

"Your on Death Row though and your gonna die, I can't even do anything about it." Izuku whispered, feeling more vulnerable then he ever had before." It's not fair Dad, it's not fair and I don't want it to happen."

"I know, I know and I am so sorry, Izuku." Shiro mumbled as they pressed a kiss to the top of his head, before ruffling his hair." But your brave and I am sure you'll eventually recover from this, even if I wish this wasn't the way it had to end."

Izuku just burst into tears again, his heart breaking at the defeated tone in his Dad's voice and he just wrapped his arms around them again in another tight hug.

"Uncle Yoichi says hi, Dad." Izuku whispered after a minute and Shiro's eyes widened in complete shock." He's in my Quirk and I can talk to him, as well as the other predecessors of One For All."

For a moment the white haired man just stayed completely still, before the just let out a broken chuckle and closed their eyes.

"Oh my, Yoichi has been aware of everything since his Death hasn't he?" Shiro whispered and Izuku nodded." One For All stores the souls of the previous users, that's honestly a lot to take in."

He just watched as his Dad ran their hands down their face and stared up at the ceiling.

"Dad, Yoichi wants you to know they still love you." Izuku said and Shiro turned to him." They never stopped loving you and they are happy you were able to find someone to care about, someone you weren't willing to lose."

'Izuku, what are you...' Yoichi trailed off, their voice sounding exceptionally vulnerable.

"Even though we aren't biologically related, your still so much like your Uncle...Izuku." Shiro murmured as they just gave him a sad smile." Thank you, you have no idea how much learning that means to me."

Izuku just gave a watery smile in return, before being motioned towards the door by the one of the guards. As he went to stand up his Dad grabbed his arm gently, a feeling washing over him for a moment before they pulled him into one last hug. He returned the hug wishing it wouldn't end and said his goodbyes, tears still running down his cheeks as he walked away and left his Dad to their fate.


It was eleven in the morning the next day when he got the news that his Dad had been executed successfully, the new making him break down in the middle of class with an anguished scream. Pulling at his white hair and curling up, before he felt the familiar pull into the void.

He barely had enough time to process it, before he collapsed against Aizawa who had been attempting to calm him down. His vision going black for a split second and then he was inside the void, facing his Quirk family. Yoichi having rushed over to pulling him into a hug and was soon followed by the other users, making him just sob even louder.

"He's gone, Uncle Yoichi, my Dad's gone." Izuku sobbed as he just collapsed to his knees." First my bio-Dad and now my new Dad, why can't I just have a family that isn't doomed to die or is already dead?!"

"Shh, I know." Yoichi mumbled into his hair and Izuku could feel his Uncle shaking slightly, before realizing they were crying as well.

He felt a pang of guilt as he realized he'd been so focused on how this had affected him that he forgot about his other family members. Yoichi had just gotten their brother back, only for the man to be taken away once more. So he just hugged his Uncle tightly as he tried to chase their pain away, focusing on making Yoichi feel better over dealing with his own grief.

"Hey, remember we are all here for you, brat." Moeta stated firmly once the hug eventually ended and Izuku turned towards his other Uncle with a watery smile.

"I know, thank you for being here for me Uncle Moeta." Izuku whispered softly and the second user just snorted, turning to look into the void as if embarrassed by the attention being directed towards them.

"Whatever." Moeta grumbled and crossed their arms.

However a sharp inhale came from Hikage and Izuku, alongside the others turned to see what was wrong only to stare at the a distinctly new figure inside the void. Izuku's eyes widened in complete shock as he let out a choked sound, before scrambling to his feet and running towards the figure.

"Dad!" Izuku cried out as he tackled the newly formed Shiro, who just gave him a chuckle and returned the hug.

"Hey there, Izu." Shiro greeted softly as they rubbed his back soothingly." Hope you didn't miss me to much, it's only been an couple hours since my death you know."

"How are you here?" Izuku questioned as he pulled from the hug, giving them a confused expression.

"Did you not notice the energy wash over you when we said our goodbyes inside the prison?" Shiro asked and Izuku frowned, but the way the One For All users eyes widened suggested they had figured out what his Dad was talking about.

Yoichi took a step forward with wide green eyes, their entire face pale as a sheet of paper which was impressive considering how usually pale they were.

"You didn't...." Yoichi trailed off, their voice barely audible from shock.

"That's right, little brother." Shiro said softly and turned giving Izuku a close eyed smile." I gave him All For One, but don't worry about his body not being able to handle two Quirks as I made sure that my Quirk would stay dormant and unable to be activated."

They had given him their Quirk and even though he couldn't use it, it still meant that One For All would be able to absorb his Dad's soul like it did with the other users. His Dad was dead and this was their soul, his Dad wouldn't be coming back in the physical world. The thought made his happiness fade slightly, but he still kept a smile on his face for the sake of his family.

"I love you, Dad." Izuku stated and Shiro just smiled warmly towards him.

"Love you too, my son." Shiro replied and then their smile widened." Now, let's chat for a bit before you have to go, I think I need to finally reconcile with my brother again."

Izuku just nodded eagerly and sat down, his green eyes staring wide eyed as everyone calmed down and began talking.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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