Chapter ten: alone time

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Oswald was sitting on the bed while Felix was changing. Oswald blushed while he watched. Felix didn't mind though. Oswald sighed and grabbed his drink on his desktop.

Felix turned around and sat down.

Felix: "so what did you wanted to talk about?"

Oswald: "Delta found something. Which was a wedding photo of your ex wife and you. She destroyed it. I have it in my drawer if you want it."

Felix: "did she do it on purpose or on accident"

Oswald: "purpose. I'm sorry about her-"

Oswald got cut off

Felix: "no, it's fine. The reason why I kept it was because I wanted to destroy it too. But I didn't know how yet. She did it for me"

Oswald: "oh thank god, I got worried for a second"

Felix: "it's alright Ozzy. Hopefully she isn't in trouble"

Oswald: "no she isn't.. I understand why she did that. So I just said to her "it depends on Felix since it was his. So we will see if you're in trouble or not""

Felix: "well then she ain't in trouble"

Oswald: "I will go tell her, I will be right back"

Oswald walked out of the room. Felix sighed and started to look around.

Felix thought... Should I search in his drawers? What no. What am I thinking... I should respect his privacy but I'm curious... No Felix.. Maybe have a conversation with him about himself even though your living with him and know so much about him already... I could talk about him for hours tho... He is so perfect... Probably not but having an abusive wife... Really makes you desperate...

Felix heard Oswald open the door. Felix looked at the door with a smile.

Oswald: "so Delta isn't in trouble and she knows"

Felix: "great"

Oswald sat down and leaned onto Felix. Felix blushed when he did. Felix took in a deep breath and grabbed Oswald by the shoulders. Oswald was surprised but at the same time confused.

Oswald: "is there something wrong Felix?"

Felix: "I have something to say... I like you."

Oswald's face went red and then said "you like me? In what way?"

Felix: "Don't act like you don't know what I meant. I like you, Oswald. I always did. You're perfect to me. I love you and your kids... "

Oswald was blushing. Oswald didn't know what to say nor do. Oswald was stuck in his head... He loves me? But... I always thought he couldn't love me... I guess I was wrong.. But.. What if this is a joke? Well it doesn't seem like one... Why would he joke about this... You know him Oswald...

Felix: "sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just needed to get it out... Everything you do makes me fall more deeper in love with you. I just love everything about you... I'm not ashamed.. I just needed to get this out. "

Oswald: "I... I also feel the same... But at first, I fell for you because you were hot and handsome.. But once I started to get to know you... I... I knew that I loved you... Oh god... I'm sorta embarrassed right now.. "

Oswald got up and looked at Felix.

Oswald: "I'm a adult I should act more mature... "

Felix chuckled. Oswald got even more red. Felix got up and hugged him.

Felix: "I'm glad you like me Ozzy"

Oswald: "I love you Felix... "

Felix: "I love you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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