Author's Message

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Dear Readers,

Who is the writer without their readers, right? Knowing that there are people who are fascinated with Celestial makes  me excited to update every chapter. So thank you, dear readers!

Anyway, I'm currently working on a new story, "AFTER". Here is a quick snippet:

Irene's POV:

I loaded the last box of the things I accumulated over the years, it's not much, but Greggy specifically told me 'not a shadow from you shall hunt my house, I want everything gone'.

The most painful thing I have to pack away? The bust of my dad and the grand piano from our wedding. I don't know how is it possible to have your heart breaks all over again when it is already in a million pieces.

I take my final walk in the garden. This has been my home for two decades. Now I have to be without it forever.


Please keep on reading Mrs. Araneta and After I will update soonest.

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