His Song To You

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After you awaken. You let your mind pend the dreamy night before. His beautiful face flashed into your mind as you remember how delicate he looked as the gorgeous, sparkling moonlight washed over him; making his beauty radiate even more. Your wondrous mind came to a halt when a knock was overheard. "Uh, it's open!" You shout. The door creeked open slowly, it caused a eere feeling in your stomach. That feeling faded away when you saw Ren poke his head into the doorway. "Good morning M'Lady" he sweetly greeted you. You smile warmly and wave at him "Morning Ren-Chan" he fully opened the door; revealing his outfit of the day. He had on had on a black fitted shirt, dark blue jeans, and simple black shoes. "Come on (Y/N) you need to get dress." He told you as he began to slowly approach your bed. But, why did you need to get dressed? Was something going on that was important? "W-Wait, for what?" You curiously ask him. He gave you a low chuckle and grinned as he usually did "Today is the fashion show" Oh Right! You remembered now. Word has it that he was in the fashion show this year, and if he does good next year too. "Oh! Okay, I'm getting up right now" you joyfully said as you hop out of your bed. He kept his pretty blue eyes on you as you rummage through your dresser drawer for a pretty outfit to wear. Once you find a pretty (F/C) shirt. You dig a little more for some regular jeans. "Aha!" You loudly proclaim as you picked a pair of pants. He only grinned wider at you as you gave him a full hearted smile. "Okay, go get dressed Kitty Cat" He said as he leaned closer to you, sending nervous chills down your spin. A light pink hue creped across your cheeks. He seen how flushed you were and smiled triumphly "T-Thank you" you thank him happily "hmhm, Go get dressed okay?" He told you simply. You nod and hurry off to the bathroom. Few minutes pass, then 10; after you knew it it was almost an hour. You hurried to your room with your outfit on to see Ren sitting on your bed "Ren-Chan? Did you wait for me?" You ask him a bit moved. He seem to only give you a full hearted smile. You took that as a yes and grinned happily. Wasting no time, you sit on your bed next to him. He glances at you and lightly grips your chin, tilting your head upwards so he could glare at your soft features "You're such a beautiful woman" he says to you with a soft, sensual glare. It made you rethink the 'Friend'ship you two shared. He leaned a bit closer to you, your noses almost touched. "Lately you've been such a help for me. You set my soul on fire with your passion. I like that. I'll repay you later on today" He told you as he winked. "H-How?" Your curious got the best of you. He chuckled and looked deep into your eyes. "I thought of a song that makes me think of my dear Kitty Cat. I'll sing it for you later after the fashion show" he let's your chin go and smiles. After so, you and him continue to speak about the fashion show and who all are in it. It seemed like only minutes past you two by. But a beep of your watch symbolizes that more then two hours past. "Oh my gosh! We've been talking for two hours!" You urgently tell him. "I know. I was just about to tell you that I'm about to leave for the show. I'm taking you with me" He said as he extended his hand to you. You take his hand and you both walk out of your room and to his limo. Once inside, you over heard a crowd outside of the vehicle. You glance through the windows and see many people holding up "I love Jinguji Ren" posters, wearing shirts with his name and face on them. You gasped in shock. "What is it?" He asked you a bit concerned. You point at the outside world through the window. He took a second to climb over your lap and scan the crowd; soon after he realized it was his fans. He let out a soft, low chuckle and let's his body revert to his original spot in the stretched vehicle. "Oh, it's just a bunch of fans" he said, laying his head back against the leather seat. "Aren't you going to say something to them?" You questioned. He grinned and peeked at you with his natural, seducing, beautiful eyes. "Mmm No. I love my fans, but i'd rather spend more time with you then any other fan I have" He glances up at the ceiling and closed his eyes, letting himself relax and push out any thoughts but you and the talent show. His word took the wind from your very lungs. You couldn't believe how charming and sweet he was to you. It was such a thrill to be around him, and now you know that he feels the same way to. You scoot closer to him and simply lay your head on his chest, trying to rest up a little, you don't know why, but you wanted to rest. Once he felt your head into his chest, his usual grin grew wider and larger as you two sat there, grinning. After a while of grinning, half-sleeping, and simple thoughts, you two arrive to the show building. You try to get out with Ren, but he insist on opening the door for you, even he told the limo driver to go back. You were flattered at how sweet he was to you, it moved you. He places his hands in his pocket as he told you. "Kitty Cat, go find a seat where you have a good view, Okay?" You nod with excitement "Okay" you smile and hurry into the building. Soon after, you look for a good seat. One that has great support on your rear, one with an amazing view, and one with great design. "(Y/N)-Chan! (Y/N)-Chan!" You heard your name being called over and over until you looked back and saw Tomo-Chan. "Tomo-Chan!" You call out in relief. You hurry to sit next to her, it seemed she had a seat open just for you. "Syo-Chan told me you would be here, so I found a spot where we both have great views of the hot guys" she smiled and sat you down. She sat you down hard enough to cause you to drop your purse. A paper case holding a CD flew out as you glance down at it. "What is that?" Tomo-Chan asked you, pointing at the case on the floor. "Oh, it's a song I composed for Ren-Chan" you tell her over the roaring crowed all around you two. "Oh? Sounds like something is about to blossom" she gave you the you like him huh? Look. It sent a blush to your face. "H-Huh?! No no no no no!! Not like that!!" You shake your head vigorously and wave your hands in front of your chest. As you continued to panic cutely, the lights went dim. The whole arena burst into a mighty roar. As the lights flashed onto the runway, You say a man who wore greatly fashionable clothes that had great color scheme to it. After so another man came out in an outfit that didn't really appeal to your taste. After him, finally your Ren Jinguji made his appearance on the runway. he had on a black jacket that seemed to be made if a very pretty shiny material, dark pair if pants, and designer black shoes. He gradually made his way down the runway, focusing his vision straight as if he didn't hear the roaring crowd of girls shouting for him. He made it to the end and decided to show off his looks. He brought his hand in front of his face, slowly bringing it down to reveal his beautiful face. It was as if a glowly light flashed itself over him. It even drove you into a loud cheer of his name. The light you saw soon came to an end. The lights on the entire arena shut off, sending girls I to panic, screams, and shouts "what's going on?" One girl shouts "I can't see anything!" Another one yells "I'm scared!!" One girl screams! The whole arena burst Into fright and confusion. You can see through the thick darkness that even Ren was surprised and at a losa of action. He then grips his own chin in thought and decides to end the confusion. "Listen! Ladies!" He brings his hands and cups them around his own mouth so the sound waves may travel further. "Don't panic. Let me sing you a song, to set the fire of passion to you hearts" His words set a trigger off in your head. You remember what you two were speaking about when he told you that he wrote a song for you. You have a flashback at what you two said.
Ren stood by the lake as the sun beamed down apon him. You saw him and decided to go over and talk to him a little more. As you approach him, you saw him holding a few sheets of paper, it had lyrics on it. "Ren-Chan?" You ask him as he looks at you and grins. "This....This is the song that can set the flame" He told you with a sexy look. You seemed more confused then excited, but you still was amazed at the statement. "Wha?" You smile in confusion. "All my life, i've had a burning passion for singing. It always set a passionate flame to my soul, and everyone elses. This song will fill you with passion" his face was so serious, you knew his words mean so much.
~~~~~~~Flashback over~~~~~~~
"Save my seat!!" You shout to Tomo-Chan and dash up the steps "(Y/N)!! Wait!" Before she could stop you, you already disappeared. You ran through the halls in a rush gripping onto your bag for dear life. You run into Ren's brother, who looks down at you with evil concerns "What are you doing back here?" He asked you with a glare that could take away your breath. "U-Uh. I need To put this song on! For Jinguji Ren!" You shout to him. His eyes widen a little and gr places his hand on the CD and looks down at you. "Let me. I'll get there faster" he told you. You quickly nod your head and hand his the disk. He waste no time dashing down the hall to the audio room. "Wow!" You think to yourself " He must be a secret track star " you secretly admire him from a far. You could hear and see through the monitors around the building that he was about to sing. Your heart began to skip many beats "Hey Lady!" Was the first words of his musical admirement of you. He continued a few more lines before a saxophone plays a great beat that matched his song perfectly. You hurry down to the main arena and sees that a simple light flashed before Tomo-Chan, then the girl beside her, and a few other girls. You knew what it was, and was delighted to see people enjoy Ren's passionate words. Soon after you watch him sing, a bright flame burst in front of you, It seemed to out shine every other light in the arena. He looked over at you and saw that the passion for music you two shared was just as strong as his. It seemed to enhance his performance. After a while of hearing his blessful voice; his song came to an end. Every living soul in the arena stood to their feel and cheered. The fashion show was clearly over, and you went looking for him. You searched the whole building and didn't see him. "Did he leave me?!" A panicking thought ran through your head. You run up the stairs and saw him; leaning against the balcony, he seemed upset. "Ren-Chan!" You call out to him. He turned around and saw you, causing a wide grin to quickly show appearance in his face. "..I'm sorry Kitty Cat" he said to you. "That song was meant for you, and only. I just needed to do something to keep the girl calm" behind that sexy grin you remember, you could feel a hint of disappointment. "No no! I still loved the song! It was perfect!" He gush to him. He glanced at you on confusion for longer then usual, but as usual, his grin made it's way back on his face. Instead of speaking, he tilts your chin up and began to lean closer to your face. "R-Ren-Chan!!" You began to panic and closed your eyes. You thought dreamingly passionate lips would connect to yours. Instead you feel a deep, sexy gaze upon you. You open your eyes and see him snickering a little "You're such a cutie, I'm not going to do anything like that. I'll at least wait until you're an adult" he said to you. You finally took a deep breath. "Let's go home" he told you as he wrapped on arm around your waist and escorted back down stairs to the limo. On your way home, he kept a gaze on you. "Kitty Cat?" he asked you "Yes Ren-Chan?" You turned your undivided attention to him. "Thank you" he said to you. Once he asked you that, so many questions popped into your head. But to keep confusion down, you simply reply; "You're welcome. Anything for you" He smiled and sat his head back like on the way to fashion show. You saw the opportunity and laid your head on his chest, it was even more comfortable now that he's relaxed. You two sit this was the whole ride, slowly drifting off into a loving deep sleep.

~~Sorry if the story is bad @~@ I really tried. And im sorry it took so long. I tried to update it sooner.....but I got grounded and had my phone token away. But I hope you enjoy it ^_^~~

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